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This guide will assist you in understanding how to reference for your assignment. It contains examples to help you format your in-text citations and reference list.
Vancouver is a numbered style, meaning in-text citations are represented by a number (1), (3), (5) or (2-4, 8) and used to acknowledge ideas of author(s) you have included in the body of your assignment. The details of these citations are then included in a reference list, organised numerically not alphabetically, at the end of your assignment.
Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools
Check your assessment or course details to determine if you are permitted to use generative AI tools to complete your assessment. Further information is available on the Why Academic integrity matters web page.
When citing content produced by these tools follow the examples in the AI section of the referencing guide.
Vancouver examples
Reference list
- When more than six names listed, use the first six names followed by et al.
- Capitalise only the first word of a title, proper nouns, proper adjectives, acronyms, and initials
- For materials on the Internet add the type of medium designator [Internet] following the title, and the URL is required.
- For materials other than print books and print journals add the type of medium designator following the title for example: [dissertation], [master's thesis], [bibliography], [microfiche], [DVD]. Consult the official Citing Medicine NLM Style Guide for additional information on types of medium for the sources you are using.
As shown by Smith and Jones5 .......
Newman (4) and Smith and Jones (5) claim......
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".1(p23)
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".(1 p23)
When creating in-text citations:
- give each new source the next consecutive reference number
- use the unique reference number of a source for subsequent citations
- include the page number(s), where possible, if you are directly quoting an author's words.
- Author AA, Author BB, Author CC. Title of electronic book [type of medium]. Place of publication: Sponsor of Website/Publisher; Year of publication [date cited YYYY Mon DD]. Number of pages. Available from: URL doi :
- Hanski I, Gaggioti OE. Ecology, genetics, and evolution of metapopulations [Internet]. Burlington (MA): Elsevier Academic Press; 2004 [cited 2019 Sep 25]. 717 p. Available from: https://ebookcentral-proquest-com/reader.action?docID=317010&ppg=1 doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-323448-3.X5000-4
- For sources published in the USA and Canada cite as: City (Two letter abbreviation of State) for example: New York (NY), Chicago (IL), Palm Springs (CA)
- For sources published in other countries cite as: City (Country) or City (Two letter ISO country code) for example: London (England) or London (GB)
- Provide the total number of pages on which the text of a book appears
- List page range in abbreviated format, unless followed by a letter e.g. 230-3; 1123 – 34; 12-6; 12A-16A; 1134A – 1159A.
- For books published in more than one physical volume, cite the total number of volumes instead of the number of pages, such as 4 vol.
- When the extent (pagination) of the book is not provided, calculate it using the best means possible, e.g., in terms of print pages, screens, paragraphs, or bytes
Reference list
- When more than six names listed, use the first six names followed by et al.
- Capitalise only the first word of a title, proper nouns, proper adjectives, acronyms, and initials
- For materials on the Internet add the type of medium designator [Internet] following the title, and the URL is required.
- For materials other than print books and print journals add the type of medium designator following the title for example: [dissertation], [master's thesis], [bibliography], [microfiche], [DVD]. Consult the official Citing Medicine NLM Style Guide for additional information on types of medium for the sources you are using.
As shown by Smith and Jones5 .......
Newman (4) and Smith and Jones (5) claim......
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".1(p23)
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".(1 p23)
When creating in-text citations:
- give each new source the next consecutive reference number
- use the unique reference number of a source for subsequent citations
- include the page number(s), where possible, if you are directly quoting an author's words.
- Author AA. Title of electronic book [type of medium]. Place of publication: Sponsor of Website/Publisher; Year of publication. Number of pages. Available from: URL doi : (if available)
- Zylinska J. Bioethics in the age of new media [Internet]. Cambridge (MA): The MIT Press; 2009. 230 p. Available from: https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/bioethics-age-new-media
- For sources published in the USA and Canada cite as: City (Two letter abbreviation of State) for example: New York (NY), Chicago (IL), Palm Springs (CA)
- For sources published in other countries cite as: City (Country) or City (Two letter ISO country code) for example: London (England) or London (GB)
- Provide the total number of pages on which the text of a book appears
- List page range in abbreviated format, unless followed by a letter e.g. 230-3; 1123 – 34; 12-6; 12A-16A; 1134A – 1159A.
- For books published in more than one physical volume, cite the total number of volumes instead of the number of pages, such as 4 vol.
- When the extent (pagination) of the book is not provided, calculate it using the best means possible, e.g., in terms of print pages, screens, paragraphs, or bytes
Reference list
- When more than six names listed, use the first six names followed by et al.
- Capitalise only the first word of a title, proper nouns, proper adjectives, acronyms, and initials
- For materials on the Internet add the type of medium designator [Internet] following the title, and the URL is required.
- For materials other than print books and print journals add the type of medium designator following the title for example: [dissertation], [master's thesis], [bibliography], [microfiche], [DVD]. Consult the official Citing Medicine NLM Style Guide for additional information on types of medium for the sources you are using.
As shown by Smith and Jones5 .......
Newman (4) and Smith and Jones (5) claim......
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".1(p23)
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".(1 p23)
When creating in-text citations:
- give each new source the next consecutive reference number
- use the unique reference number of a source for subsequent citations
- include the page number(s), where possible, if you are directly quoting an author's words.
- Author AA, Author BB, Author CC. Title of book: subtitle. # edition [if not first]. Place of publication: Publisher; Year of publication. Pagination.
- Marieb EN, Hoehn K, Hutchinson M. Human anatomy & physiology. Pearson new international edition. Harlow (GB): Pearson; 2014. 1258 p.
- Panjabi MM, White AA 3rd. Biomechanics in the musculoskeletal system. New York: Churchill Livingstone; c2001. 196 p.
- Weise WJ 4th. Baby catcher: true stories from the life of an obstetrician. Enumclaw (WA): Pleasant Word; c2003. 105 p.
- For sources published in the USA and Canada cite as: City (Two letter abbreviation of State) for example: New York (NY), Chicago (IL), Palm Springs (CA)
- For sources published in other countries cite as: City (Country) or City (Two letter ISO country code) for example: London (England) or London (GB)
- Provide the total number of pages on which the text of a book appears
- List page range in abbreviated format, unless followed by a letter e.g. 230-3; 1123 – 34; 12-6; 12A-16A; 1134A – 1159A.
- For books published in more than one physical volume, cite the total number of volumes instead of the number of pages, such as 4 vol.
- When the extent (pagination) of the book is not provided, calculate it using the best means possible, e.g., in terms of print pages, screens, paragraphs, or bytes
Reference list
- When more than six names listed, use the first six names followed by et al.
- Capitalise only the first word of a title, proper nouns, proper adjectives, acronyms, and initials
- For materials on the Internet add the type of medium designator [Internet] following the title, and the URL is required.
- For materials other than print books and print journals add the type of medium designator following the title for example: [dissertation], [master's thesis], [bibliography], [microfiche], [DVD]. Consult the official Citing Medicine NLM Style Guide for additional information on types of medium for the sources you are using.
As shown by Smith and Jones5 .......
Newman (4) and Smith and Jones (5) claim......
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".1(p23)
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".(1 p23)
When creating in-text citations:
- give each new source the next consecutive reference number
- use the unique reference number of a source for subsequent citations
- include the page number(s), where possible, if you are directly quoting an author's words.
Book with editor, compiler, reviser, or translator
- Editor AA, Editor BB, editors. Title. Translator A, translator. Place of publication: Publisher; date of publication. p. number of pages
- Celli L, editor. The elbow: traumatic lesions. Warr A, translator. Vienna (Austria): Springer-Verlag; c1991. 203 p.
- Reichart PA, Philipson HP. Oral pathology. Hassel T, translator; Hormann J, illustrator. Stuttgart (Germany): Thieme; 2000. 285 p.
- Bernthal JE, Bankson NW, Flipsen P Jr, editors. Articulation and phonological disorders: speech sound disorders in children. 6th edition. Boston (MA): Pearson; 2009. p. 331-56.
- If there are no authors, only editors, follow the last named editor with a comma and the word editor or editors
- Provide major contributors and their role descriptions after the title e.g. compiler, revisor, or translator
- For sources published in the USA and Canada cite as: City (Two letter abbreviation of State) for example: New York (NY), Chicago (IL), Palm Springs (CA)
- For sources published in other countries cite as: City (Country) or City (Two letter ISO country code) for example: London (England) or London (GB)
- Provide the total number of pages on which the text of a book appears
- List page range in abbreviated format, unless followed by a letter e.g. 230-3; 1123 – 34; 12-6; 12A-16A; 1134A – 1159A.
- For books published in more than one physical volume, cite the total number of volumes instead of the number of pages, such as 4 vol.
- When the extent (pagination) of the book is not provided, calculate it using the best means possible, e.g., in terms of print pages, screens, paragraphs, or bytes
Electronic book
- Author AA, Author BB. Title of chapter. In: Editor AA, Editor BB, editors. Title of the book [Internet]. Place of publication: Publisher; Year of publication. p. page range of chapter [or chapter number/s]. Available from: URL doi: (if available)
Print book
- Chapter Author AA, Chapter Author BB. Title of chapter. In: Book Editor AA, Book Editor BB, editors. Title of book. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher; Year of publication. p. page range of chapter [or chapter number/s].
Electronic book
- Colbert J, Ims RA, Rousset F. Causes, mechanisms and consequences of dispersal. In: Hanski I, Gaggiotti OE, editors. Ecology, genetics, and the evolution of metapopulations [Internet]. Amsterdam (NL): Elsevier Academic Press; 2004. p. 307-35. Available from: https://app.dimensions.ai/details/publication/pub.1035186114 doi: 10.1016/B978-012323448-3/50015-5
Print book
- Goldstein BA, Iglesias A. Language and dialectal variations. In: Bernthal JE, Bankson NW, Flipsen P Jr, editors. Articulation and phonological disorders: speech sound disorders in children. 6th edition. Boston (MA): Pearson; 2009. p. 331-56.
- For sources published in the USA and Canada cite as: City (Two letter abbreviation of State) for example: New York (NY), Chicago (IL), Palm Springs (CA)
- For sources published in other countries cite as: City (Country) or City (Two letter ISO country code) for example: London (England) or London (GB)
Reference list
- When more than six names listed, use the first six names followed by et al.
- Capitalise only the first word of a title, proper nouns, proper adjectives, acronyms, and initials
- For materials on the Internet add the type of medium designator [Internet] following the title, and the URL is required.
- For materials other than print books and print journals add the type of medium designator following the title for example: [dissertation], [master's thesis], [bibliography], [microfiche], [DVD]. Consult the official Citing Medicine NLM Style Guide for additional information on types of medium for the sources you are using.
As shown by Smith and Jones5 .......
Newman (4) and Smith and Jones (5) claim......
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".1(p23)
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".(1 p23)
When creating in-text citations:
- give each new source the next consecutive reference number
- use the unique reference number of a source for subsequent citations
- include the page number(s), where possible, if you are directly quoting an author's words.
Entry without author
- Book Author AA, Book Author BB. Encyclopedia title. Place of publication: Publisher; Year of publication. Title of article; page number/s.
Entry with author
- Entry Author AA. Title of entry. In: Editor AA, Editor BB, editors. Title of encyclopedia. Volume number (if applicable). Place of publication: Name of publisher; year. p. page number/s.
Entry without author
- Khan MG. Encyclopedia of heart diseases. Burlington (MA): Elsevier Academic; c2006. C-reactive protein and the heart; p. 277-80.
Entry with author
- Fitzpatrick, T. Social capital. In: Fitzpatrick T, Kwon H-J, Manning N, Midgley J, Pascall G, editors. International encyclopedia of social policy. Volume 2. London: Routledge; 2010. p. 1224-5.
- If accessed in electronic format, provide the URL address at the end of the reference e.g. Available from: URL
- For sources published in the USA and Canada cite as: City (Two letter abbreviation of State) for example: New York (NY), Chicago (IL), Palm Springs (CA)
- For sources published in other countries cite as: City (Country) or City (Two letter ISO country code) for example: London (England) or London (GB)
Reference list
- When more than six names listed, use the first six names followed by et al.
- Capitalise only the first word of a title, proper nouns, proper adjectives, acronyms, and initials
- For materials on the Internet add the type of medium designator [Internet] following the title, and the URL is required.
- For materials other than print books and print journals add the type of medium designator following the title for example: [dissertation], [master's thesis], [bibliography], [microfiche], [DVD]. Consult the official Citing Medicine NLM Style Guide for additional information on types of medium for the sources you are using.
As shown by Smith and Jones5 .......
Newman (4) and Smith and Jones (5) claim......
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".1(p23)
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".(1 p23)
When creating in-text citations:
- give each new source the next consecutive reference number
- use the unique reference number of a source for subsequent citations
- include the page number(s), where possible, if you are directly quoting an author's words.
- Dictionary title. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher; Year of publication. Title of entry; page number.
- Elsevier’s dictionary of psychological theories. Amsterdam (NL): Elsevier; 2006. Lens model; p. 360.
- If accessed in electronic format, add the type of medium in square brackets after the title e.g. [Internet]
- If accessed in electronic format, provide the URL address at the end of the reference e.g. Available from: URL
- For sources published in the USA and Canada cite as: City (Two letter abbreviation of State) for example: New York (NY), Chicago (IL), Palm Springs (CA)
- For sources published in other countries cite as: City (Country) or City (Two letter ISO country code) for example: London (England) or London (GB)
Reference list
- When more than six names listed, use the first six names followed by et al.
- Capitalise only the first word of a title, proper nouns, proper adjectives, acronyms, and initials
- For materials on the Internet add the type of medium designator [Internet] following the title, and the URL is required.
- For materials other than print books and print journals add the type of medium designator following the title for example: [dissertation], [master's thesis], [bibliography], [microfiche], [DVD]. Consult the official Citing Medicine NLM Style Guide for additional information on types of medium for the sources you are using.
As shown by Smith and Jones5 .......
Newman (4) and Smith and Jones (5) claim......
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".1(p23)
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".(1 p23)
When creating in-text citations:
- give each new source the next consecutive reference number
- use the unique reference number of a source for subsequent citations
- include the page number(s), where possible, if you are directly quoting an author's words.
Journal or newspaper article
Journal article – electronic with DOI
- Author AA, Author BB, Author CC, Author DD, Author EE, Author FF. Title of article. Abbreviated title of journal [type of medium]. Date of publication [cited YYYY Mon DD];volume number(issue number):page numbers. Available from: URL doi :
- Villareal DT, Miller BV III, Banks M, Fontana L, Sinacore DR, Klein S. Effect of lifestyle intervention on metabolic coronary heart disease risk factors in obese older adults. Am J Clin Nutr [Internet]. 2006 Dec 01 [cited 2019 Oct 11];84(6):1317-23. Available from: https://academic.oup.com/Ajcn/article/84/6/1317/4649332/ doi: 10.1093/ajcn/84.6.1317
- Abbreviate the journal name - Link to journal abbreviations
- If journal article does not have a standard volume or issue, provide the article number if available
- If no page numbers are available, provide the number of screens after the volume and issue number e.g. [about 10 screens]
Reference list
- When more than six names listed, use the first six names followed by et al.
- Capitalise only the first word of a title, proper nouns, proper adjectives, acronyms, and initials
- For materials on the Internet add the type of medium designator [Internet] following the title, and the URL is required.
- For materials other than print books and print journals add the type of medium designator following the title for example: [dissertation], [master's thesis], [bibliography], [microfiche], [DVD]. Consult the official Citing Medicine NLM Style Guide for additional information on types of medium for the sources you are using.
As shown by Smith and Jones5 .......
Newman (4) and Smith and Jones (5) claim......
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".1(p23)
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".(1 p23)
When creating in-text citations:
- give each new source the next consecutive reference number
- use the unique reference number of a source for subsequent citations
- include the page number(s), where possible, if you are directly quoting an author's words.
Journal article – electronic with URL
- Author AA, Author BB. Title of article. Abbreviated title of journal [type of medium]. Date of publication YYYY Mon [cited YYYY Mon DD];volume number(issue number):page numbers. Available from: URL
- Kim TH, Rhee CK, Yeon-Mok O. Factors associated with indacaterol response in tuberculosis-destroyed lung with airflow limitation. Tuberc Respir Dis (Seoul) [Internet]. 2019 Jan [cited 2019 Oct 11];82(1):35-41. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6304328/
- Abbreviate the journal name - Link to journal abbreviations
- If journal article does not have a standard volume or issue, provide the article number if available
- If no page numbers are available, provide the number of screens after the volume and issue number e.g. [about 10 screens]
Reference list
- When more than six names listed, use the first six names followed by et al.
- Capitalise only the first word of a title, proper nouns, proper adjectives, acronyms, and initials
- For materials on the Internet add the type of medium designator [Internet] following the title, and the URL is required.
- For materials other than print books and print journals add the type of medium designator following the title for example: [dissertation], [master's thesis], [bibliography], [microfiche], [DVD]. Consult the official Citing Medicine NLM Style Guide for additional information on types of medium for the sources you are using.
As shown by Smith and Jones5 .......
Newman (4) and Smith and Jones (5) claim......
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".1(p23)
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".(1 p23)
When creating in-text citations:
- give each new source the next consecutive reference number
- use the unique reference number of a source for subsequent citations
- include the page number(s), where possible, if you are directly quoting an author's words.
- Author AA, Author BB, Author CC, Author DD. Title of article. Abbreviated title of journal. Date of publication YYYY Mon DD;volume number(issue number):page numbers.
- Snowden JM, Tilden EL, Snyder J, Quigley B, Caughey AB, Cheng YW. Planned out-of-hospital birth and birth outcomes. N Engl J Med. 2015 Dec 31;373(27):2642-53.
- Abbreviate the journal name - Link to journal abbreviations
- If journal article does not have a standard volume or issue, provide the article number if available
- If no page numbers are available, provide the number of screens after the volume and issue number e.g. [about 10 screens]
Reference list
- When more than six names listed, use the first six names followed by et al.
- Capitalise only the first word of a title, proper nouns, proper adjectives, acronyms, and initials
- For materials on the Internet add the type of medium designator [Internet] following the title, and the URL is required.
- For materials other than print books and print journals add the type of medium designator following the title for example: [dissertation], [master's thesis], [bibliography], [microfiche], [DVD]. Consult the official Citing Medicine NLM Style Guide for additional information on types of medium for the sources you are using.
As shown by Smith and Jones5 .......
Newman (4) and Smith and Jones (5) claim......
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".1(p23)
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".(1 p23)
When creating in-text citations:
- give each new source the next consecutive reference number
- use the unique reference number of a source for subsequent citations
- include the page number(s), where possible, if you are directly quoting an author's words.
- Author AA, Author BB, Author CC, Author DD, Author EE, Author FF. Title of article. Database name [type of medium]. Year of publication [cited YYYY Mon DD]; (issue number). Available from: URL
- Kairn T, Crowe SB. Clinical application of data mining: evaluation and comparison of radiotherapy treatment plans for breast cancer. Cochrane library [Internet]. 2017 [cited 2019 Oct 01]; (4). Available from: https://www.cochranelibrary.com/central/doi/10.1002/central/CN-01334847/full
- Francis-Coad J, Etherton-Beer C, Nobre D, Naseri C, Hill A-M. The effect of complex falls prevention interventions on falls in residential aged care settings: a systematic review. Joanna Briggs Institute EBP Database [Internet]. 2018 [cited 2019 Oct 11]. Available from: http://ovidsp.dc2.ovid.com.libraryproxy.griffith.edu.au/sp-4.02.1a/ovidweb.cgi doi: 10.11124/JBISRIR-2017-003485
Reference list
- When more than six names listed, use the first six names followed by et al.
- Capitalise only the first word of a title, proper nouns, proper adjectives, acronyms, and initials
- For materials on the Internet add the type of medium designator [Internet] following the title, and the URL is required.
- For materials other than print books and print journals add the type of medium designator following the title for example: [dissertation], [master's thesis], [bibliography], [microfiche], [DVD]. Consult the official Citing Medicine NLM Style Guide for additional information on types of medium for the sources you are using.
As shown by Smith and Jones5 .......
Newman (4) and Smith and Jones (5) claim......
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".1(p23)
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".(1 p23)
When creating in-text citations:
- give each new source the next consecutive reference number
- use the unique reference number of a source for subsequent citations
- include the page number(s), where possible, if you are directly quoting an author's words.
Newspaper article – electronic
- Author AA. Article title. Newspaper Title (Edition) [type of medium]. Date of publication YYYY Mon DD [cited YYYY Mon DD];Section if applicable;[length of article.]. Available from: URL
- Lauth L. Planting a seed. Courier Mail (Brisbane) [Internet]. 2012 Mar 16 [cited 2019 Sep 25];[about 3 screens.]. Available from: https://www.couriermail.com.au/ipad/planting-a-seed/news-story/3160224154ba961ae474dbfdecd75a0b
- Newspaper titles are never abbreviated.
- The place of publication of the newspaper is indicated after the title if the title does not make it obvious.
- Give the column number or section if applicable.
- If there is no author for an article, begin the reference with the title of the article.
Reference list
- When more than six names listed, use the first six names followed by et al.
- Capitalise only the first word of a title, proper nouns, proper adjectives, acronyms, and initials
- For materials on the Internet add the type of medium designator [Internet] following the title, and the URL is required.
- For materials other than print books and print journals add the type of medium designator following the title for example: [dissertation], [master's thesis], [bibliography], [microfiche], [DVD]. Consult the official Citing Medicine NLM Style Guide for additional information on types of medium for the sources you are using.
As shown by Smith and Jones5 .......
Newman (4) and Smith and Jones (5) claim......
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".1(p23)
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".(1 p23)
When creating in-text citations:
- give each new source the next consecutive reference number
- use the unique reference number of a source for subsequent citations
- include the page number(s), where possible, if you are directly quoting an author's words.
- Author AA. Article title. Newspaper Title (Edition.). Date of publication YYYY Mon DD:Section:Page where article begins (column where article begins if applicable).
- Smith M. Face mask ban spurs defiance in Hong Kong. The Australian Financial Review. 2019 Oct 09:World section:9 (col.2).
- Newspaper titles are never abbreviated.
- The place of publication of the newspaper is indicated after the title if the title does not make it obvious.
- Only the beginning page number of an article is included.
- If there is no author for an article, begin the reference with the title of the article.
Reference list
- When more than six names listed, use the first six names followed by et al.
- Capitalise only the first word of a title, proper nouns, proper adjectives, acronyms, and initials
- For materials on the Internet add the type of medium designator [Internet] following the title, and the URL is required.
- For materials other than print books and print journals add the type of medium designator following the title for example: [dissertation], [master's thesis], [bibliography], [microfiche], [DVD]. Consult the official Citing Medicine NLM Style Guide for additional information on types of medium for the sources you are using.
As shown by Smith and Jones5 .......
Newman (4) and Smith and Jones (5) claim......
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".1(p23)
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".(1 p23)
When creating in-text citations:
- give each new source the next consecutive reference number
- use the unique reference number of a source for subsequent citations
- include the page number(s), where possible, if you are directly quoting an author's words.
Report, conference, thesis
- Author AA, Author BB. Title of document [type of medium]. Place of publication: Publisher; Date of publication [cited YYYY Mon DD]. Total number of pages. Document No.: Available from: URL
- Hammond E, Shaban RZ, Holzhauser K, Crill JL, Melton N, Fitzgerald GJ, et al. An exploratory study to examine the phenomenon and practice of ambulance ramping at hospitals within the Queensland Health southern districts and the Queensland Ambulance Service [Internet]. Brisbane (AU): Queensland Health & Griffith University; 2012 [cited 2019 Oct 11]. 69 p. Available from: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/337e/1e3f0e1a0d3984fd6ae0863d79d29777828d.pdf
- Australian Bureau of Statistics. Annual report 2017-18 [Internet]. Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia; 2018 [cited 2019 Sep 25]. 132 p. ABS Cat. No.: 1001.0. Available from: https://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/Lookup/by%20Subject/1001.0~2017-18~Main%20Features~About%20this%20Release~9999
- When citing publishers that are national bodies such as government agencies, if a nationality is not part of the name, place the country in parentheses after the name, using the two-letter ISO country code e.g. National Cancer Institute (US), National Society on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NZ) - link to ISO country codes
Reference list
- When more than six names listed, use the first six names followed by et al.
- Capitalise only the first word of a title, proper nouns, proper adjectives, acronyms, and initials
- For materials on the Internet add the type of medium designator [Internet] following the title, and the URL is required.
- For materials other than print books and print journals add the type of medium designator following the title for example: [dissertation], [master's thesis], [bibliography], [microfiche], [DVD]. Consult the official Citing Medicine NLM Style Guide for additional information on types of medium for the sources you are using.
As shown by Smith and Jones5 .......
Newman (4) and Smith and Jones (5) claim......
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".1(p23)
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".(1 p23)
When creating in-text citations:
- give each new source the next consecutive reference number
- use the unique reference number of a source for subsequent citations
- include the page number(s), where possible, if you are directly quoting an author's words.
- Organisation Name. Title of report [type of medium]. Place of publication: Publisher; Date of publication [cited YYYY Mon DD]. Total number of pages. Report No.: Available from: URL
- Euromonitor Australia. Wine in Australia [Internet]. Bangalore (IND): Euromonitor International; 2019 July [cited 2019 Nov 22]. 19 p. Available from: https://www-portal-euromonitor-com.libraryproxy.griffith.edu.au/portal/analysis/tab
Reference list
- When more than six names listed, use the first six names followed by et al.
- Capitalise only the first word of a title, proper nouns, proper adjectives, acronyms, and initials
- For materials on the Internet add the type of medium designator [Internet] following the title, and the URL is required.
- For materials other than print books and print journals add the type of medium designator following the title for example: [dissertation], [master's thesis], [bibliography], [microfiche], [DVD]. Consult the official Citing Medicine NLM Style Guide for additional information on types of medium for the sources you are using.
As shown by Smith and Jones5 .......
Newman (4) and Smith and Jones (5) claim......
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".1(p23)
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".(1 p23)
When creating in-text citations:
- give each new source the next consecutive reference number
- use the unique reference number of a source for subsequent citations
- include the page number(s), where possible, if you are directly quoting an author's words.
- Author AA. Title of paper. Paper presented at: Title of Conference [type of medium]; Date of conference; Location of conference. Place of publication: Publisher's name; Date of publication [cited YYYY Mon DD]; number of pages p. Available from: URL or Database Name.
- Fels A. An economic perspective on the rural and regional mental health challenge. Paper presented at: Proceedings of the 14th National Rural Health Conference [Internet]; 2017 Mar 26-29; Canberra. Canberra: National Rural Health Alliance; 2017 [cited 2019 Sep 25]; 7 p. Available from: http://www.ruralhealth.org.au/14nrhc/sites/default/files/Fels%2C%20Allan_KN.pdf
- Use the phrases "Paper presented at:" and "Poster session presented at:" to connect author and title information with meeting information.
Reference list
- When more than six names listed, use the first six names followed by et al.
- Capitalise only the first word of a title, proper nouns, proper adjectives, acronyms, and initials
- For materials on the Internet add the type of medium designator [Internet] following the title, and the URL is required.
- For materials other than print books and print journals add the type of medium designator following the title for example: [dissertation], [master's thesis], [bibliography], [microfiche], [DVD]. Consult the official Citing Medicine NLM Style Guide for additional information on types of medium for the sources you are using.
As shown by Smith and Jones5 .......
Newman (4) and Smith and Jones (5) claim......
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".1(p23)
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".(1 p23)
When creating in-text citations:
- give each new source the next consecutive reference number
- use the unique reference number of a source for subsequent citations
- include the page number(s), where possible, if you are directly quoting an author's words.
- Editor AA, editor(s). Title of book [type of medium]. Proceedings of Conference title; Date of conference YYYY Mon DD-DD; Location of conference. Place of publication: Publisher's name; [cited YYYY Mon DD]. Available from: URL or Database Name.
- Gregory G, editor. Rural health: the place to be [Internet]. Proceedings of the 10th National Rural Health Conference; 2009 May 17-20; Cairns (AU). Canberra: National Rural Health Alliance; [cited 2019 Sep 25]. Available from: http://ruralhealth.org.au/10thNRHC/10thnrhc.ruralhealth.org.au/general/index51c3.html?IntCatId=13
Reference list
- When more than six names listed, use the first six names followed by et al.
- Capitalise only the first word of a title, proper nouns, proper adjectives, acronyms, and initials
- For materials on the Internet add the type of medium designator [Internet] following the title, and the URL is required.
- For materials other than print books and print journals add the type of medium designator following the title for example: [dissertation], [master's thesis], [bibliography], [microfiche], [DVD]. Consult the official Citing Medicine NLM Style Guide for additional information on types of medium for the sources you are using.
As shown by Smith and Jones5 .......
Newman (4) and Smith and Jones (5) claim......
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".1(p23)
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".(1 p23)
When creating in-text citations:
- give each new source the next consecutive reference number
- use the unique reference number of a source for subsequent citations
- include the page number(s), where possible, if you are directly quoting an author's words.
Thesis or dissertation – from a database
- Author AA. Title of thesis [type of medium]. Place of publication: Publisher; Year of publication. [cited YYYY Mon DD]. Available from: URL
- Saravanakumar P. Like a breath of fresh air: yoga and tai chi for frail older people in residential care: a mixed methods study [dissertation on the Internet]. [Newcastle (UK)]: University of Newcastle; 2014. [cited 2019 Oct 11]. Available from: https://trove.nla.gov.au/work/192330847?q=%22falls+in+residential+care%22&c=book&versionId=210326856
- Use the description "thesis" to refer to material written at masters level, and "dissertation" for doctorate works.
- The place of publication for a thesis or dissertation is the city where the university or other institution granting the degree is located. Many dissertations do not state the place of publication. When this occurs, obtain the city name from another source and place it in square brackets.
- The publisher is the university or other institution granting the degree.
Reference list
- When more than six names listed, use the first six names followed by et al.
- Capitalise only the first word of a title, proper nouns, proper adjectives, acronyms, and initials
- For materials on the Internet add the type of medium designator [Internet] following the title, and the URL is required.
- For materials other than print books and print journals add the type of medium designator following the title for example: [dissertation], [master's thesis], [bibliography], [microfiche], [DVD]. Consult the official Citing Medicine NLM Style Guide for additional information on types of medium for the sources you are using.
As shown by Smith and Jones5 .......
Newman (4) and Smith and Jones (5) claim......
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".1(p23)
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".(1 p23)
When creating in-text citations:
- give each new source the next consecutive reference number
- use the unique reference number of a source for subsequent citations
- include the page number(s), where possible, if you are directly quoting an author's words.
Thesis or dissertation – from an institutional repository
- Author AA. Title of thesis [type of medium]. Place of publication: Publisher; Year of publication. [cited YYYY Mon DD]. Available from: URL
- Farrell LJ. Obsessive-compulsive disorder across the developmental trajectory: clinical correlates and cognitive processing of threat [dissertation]. [Brisbane (AU)]: Griffith University; 2004. [cited 2019 Sep 25]. Available from: https://research-repository.griffith.edu.au/handle/10072/366531
- Use the description "thesis" to refer to material written at masters level, and "dissertation" for doctorate works.
- The place of publication for a thesis or dissertation is the city where the university or other institution granting the degree is located. Many dissertations do not state the place of publication. When this occurs, obtain the city name from another source and place it in square brackets.
- The publisher is the university or other institution granting the degree.
Reference list
- When more than six names listed, use the first six names followed by et al.
- Capitalise only the first word of a title, proper nouns, proper adjectives, acronyms, and initials
- For materials on the Internet add the type of medium designator [Internet] following the title, and the URL is required.
- For materials other than print books and print journals add the type of medium designator following the title for example: [dissertation], [master's thesis], [bibliography], [microfiche], [DVD]. Consult the official Citing Medicine NLM Style Guide for additional information on types of medium for the sources you are using.
As shown by Smith and Jones5 .......
Newman (4) and Smith and Jones (5) claim......
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".1(p23)
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".(1 p23)
When creating in-text citations:
- give each new source the next consecutive reference number
- use the unique reference number of a source for subsequent citations
- include the page number(s), where possible, if you are directly quoting an author's words.
Thesis or dissertation – unpublished retrieved from a web site
- Author AA. Title of thesis [type of medium]. Date. [cited YYYY Mon DD]. xx pages. Available from: URL
- Ma Z. Searching on massive graphs and regularizing deep learning [unpublished dissertation on the Internet]. 2018. Available from: https://research-repository.griffith.edu.au/handle/10072/385875
- Use the description "thesis" to refer to material written at masters level, and "dissertation" for doctorate works.
- The place of publication for a thesis or dissertation is the city where the university or other institution granting the degree is located. Many dissertations do not state the place of publication. When this occurs, obtain the city name from another source and place it in square brackets.
- The publisher is the university or other institution granting the degree.
Reference list
- When more than six names listed, use the first six names followed by et al.
- Capitalise only the first word of a title, proper nouns, proper adjectives, acronyms, and initials
- For materials on the Internet add the type of medium designator [Internet] following the title, and the URL is required.
- For materials other than print books and print journals add the type of medium designator following the title for example: [dissertation], [master's thesis], [bibliography], [microfiche], [DVD]. Consult the official Citing Medicine NLM Style Guide for additional information on types of medium for the sources you are using.
As shown by Smith and Jones5 .......
Newman (4) and Smith and Jones (5) claim......
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".1(p23)
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".(1 p23)
When creating in-text citations:
- give each new source the next consecutive reference number
- use the unique reference number of a source for subsequent citations
- include the page number(s), where possible, if you are directly quoting an author's words.
Thesis or dissertation – print
- Author AA. Title of thesis [type of medium]. Place of publication: Publisher; Year of publication. Number of pages.
- Hugo M. Design and development of taloside-based inhibitors of galectin-3 and –4 [thesis]. [Gold Coast, (AU)]: Griffith University; 2013. 85 p.
- Use the description "thesis" to refer to material written at masters level, and "dissertation" for doctorate works.
- The place of publication for a thesis or dissertation is the city where the university or other institution granting the degree is located. Many dissertations do not state the place of publication. When this occurs, obtain the city name from another source and place it in square brackets.
- The publisher is the university or other institution granting the degree.
Reference list
- When more than six names listed, use the first six names followed by et al.
- Capitalise only the first word of a title, proper nouns, proper adjectives, acronyms, and initials
- For materials on the Internet add the type of medium designator [Internet] following the title, and the URL is required.
- For materials other than print books and print journals add the type of medium designator following the title for example: [dissertation], [master's thesis], [bibliography], [microfiche], [DVD]. Consult the official Citing Medicine NLM Style Guide for additional information on types of medium for the sources you are using.
As shown by Smith and Jones5 .......
Newman (4) and Smith and Jones (5) claim......
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".1(p23)
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".(1 p23)
When creating in-text citations:
- give each new source the next consecutive reference number
- use the unique reference number of a source for subsequent citations
- include the page number(s), where possible, if you are directly quoting an author's words.
Video, audio, music
- Director A, director. Narrator A, narrator. Producer A, producer. Title [format]. Place of publication: publisher; date of publication [date it was viewed]. Available from: website address
- Webb A, director and producer. Electric Sky, producer. Lintern R, narrator. Life after burns [streaming video]. London: Alexander Street; 2013 [viewed 2019 Nov 1]. Available from: https://video-alexanderstreet-com.libraryproxy.griffith.edu.au/watch/life-after-burns/cite?context=channel:health-and-society-in-video-1s
- Provide major contributors and their role descriptions e.g. director, producer, narrator
Reference list
- When more than six names listed, use the first six names followed by et al.
- Capitalise only the first word of a title, proper nouns, proper adjectives, acronyms, and initials
- For materials on the Internet add the type of medium designator [Internet] following the title, and the URL is required.
- For materials other than print books and print journals add the type of medium designator following the title for example: [dissertation], [master's thesis], [bibliography], [microfiche], [DVD]. Consult the official Citing Medicine NLM Style Guide for additional information on types of medium for the sources you are using.
As shown by Smith and Jones5 .......
Newman (4) and Smith and Jones (5) claim......
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".1(p23)
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".(1 p23)
When creating in-text citations:
- give each new source the next consecutive reference number
- use the unique reference number of a source for subsequent citations
- include the page number(s), where possible, if you are directly quoting an author's words.
Video stream – YouTube or Vimeo
- Publisher. Title. Presenter A. (if applicable) [format]. Date it was uploaded YYYY Mon DD. Available from: URL
- Warwick Medical School. Clinical skills: examination of the spine. Gill J. [video on the Internet]. 2019 Apr 4. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekImNlSdpl0
- Provide major contributors and their role descriptions e.g. director, producer, narrator
Reference list
- When more than six names listed, use the first six names followed by et al.
- Capitalise only the first word of a title, proper nouns, proper adjectives, acronyms, and initials
- For materials on the Internet add the type of medium designator [Internet] following the title, and the URL is required.
- For materials other than print books and print journals add the type of medium designator following the title for example: [dissertation], [master's thesis], [bibliography], [microfiche], [DVD]. Consult the official Citing Medicine NLM Style Guide for additional information on types of medium for the sources you are using.
As shown by Smith and Jones5 .......
Newman (4) and Smith and Jones (5) claim......
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".1(p23)
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".(1 p23)
When creating in-text citations:
- give each new source the next consecutive reference number
- use the unique reference number of a source for subsequent citations
- include the page number(s), where possible, if you are directly quoting an author's words.
Video physical – DVD or Blu-ray
- Author AA. Title [medium]. Producer, AA producer; Editor AA, editor. Place of publication: Publisher; year. Description: running time., colour format.
- The Standard Deviants. Anatomy [DVD]. The Standard Deviants Academic Team, presenters. Camarillo (CA): Goldhil Entertainment; 2007. Digital video disc: 125 min., colour.
- Provide major contributors and their role descriptions e.g. director, producer, narrator
Reference list
- When more than six names listed, use the first six names followed by et al.
- Capitalise only the first word of a title, proper nouns, proper adjectives, acronyms, and initials
- For materials on the Internet add the type of medium designator [Internet] following the title, and the URL is required.
- For materials other than print books and print journals add the type of medium designator following the title for example: [dissertation], [master's thesis], [bibliography], [microfiche], [DVD]. Consult the official Citing Medicine NLM Style Guide for additional information on types of medium for the sources you are using.
As shown by Smith and Jones5 .......
Newman (4) and Smith and Jones (5) claim......
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".1(p23)
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".(1 p23)
When creating in-text citations:
- give each new source the next consecutive reference number
- use the unique reference number of a source for subsequent citations
- include the page number(s), where possible, if you are directly quoting an author's words.
- Author AA, Author BB. Title [description of medium]. Place published: Publisher; year of publication [update YYYY Mon day (if applicable); cited YYYY Mon day]. Available from: URL
- Swan N. A trial of three diets [podcast on the Internet], Sydney (AU): ABC Health & Wellbeing; c2008; [cited 2019 Nov 11]. Available from: http://www.abc.net.au/health/minutes/podcast/audiofiles/hm20080811_2324188.mp3
- Provide the type of medium [including the word "Internet"] in square brackets.
Reference list
- When more than six names listed, use the first six names followed by et al.
- Capitalise only the first word of a title, proper nouns, proper adjectives, acronyms, and initials
- For materials on the Internet add the type of medium designator [Internet] following the title, and the URL is required.
- For materials other than print books and print journals add the type of medium designator following the title for example: [dissertation], [master's thesis], [bibliography], [microfiche], [DVD]. Consult the official Citing Medicine NLM Style Guide for additional information on types of medium for the sources you are using.
As shown by Smith and Jones5 .......
Newman (4) and Smith and Jones (5) claim......
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".1(p23)
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".(1 p23)
When creating in-text citations:
- give each new source the next consecutive reference number
- use the unique reference number of a source for subsequent citations
- include the page number(s), where possible, if you are directly quoting an author's words.
Image, table, data, statistics
As a separate entity
- [Title] [Type of medium]. [Place of publication]: Publisher; Date YYYY Mon DD. Physical description. Available from: URL
Within another source
- Author AA, Author BB, Author CC. Title of article. Abbreviated title of journal [Internet]. Date of publication YYYY Mon [cited YYYY Mon DD];volume number(issue number):page numbers. Available from: URL Table number, Table caption; p. number.
As a separate entity
- [Anatomy of a human heart] [image on the Internet]. [Ann Arbor (MI)]: Michigan Health; 2019 Feb 27. colour. Available from: https://healthblog.uofmhealth.org/heart-health/anatomy-of-a-human-heart
Within another source
- Bhat K, Sandler K, Duhachek-Muggy S, Alli C, Cheng F, Moatamed NA, et al. Serum erythropoietin levels, breast cancer and breast cancer-initiating cells. Breast Cancer Res [Internet]. 2019 Jan 30 [cited 2019 Sep 15];21(17):1-13. Available from: https://breast-cancer-research.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13058-019-1100-9 Table 1, In vivo limiting dilution assay with SUM159-ZsGreen-cODC cells; p. 5
Within another source
- Follow the format of the reference type (book, journal or website) in which you found the table/figure/image/appendix
- Provide the table/figure/image/appendix number of original source,
- Use the title of table/figure/image/appendix from original source;
- Provide the page number of table/figure/image/appendix from original source.
- Each reference to a different table/figure/image within the same document requires a separate entry in the Reference list
Reference list
- When more than six names listed, use the first six names followed by et al.
- Capitalise only the first word of a title, proper nouns, proper adjectives, acronyms, and initials
- For materials on the Internet add the type of medium designator [Internet] following the title, and the URL is required.
- For materials other than print books and print journals add the type of medium designator following the title for example: [dissertation], [master's thesis], [bibliography], [microfiche], [DVD]. Consult the official Citing Medicine NLM Style Guide for additional information on types of medium for the sources you are using.
As shown by Smith and Jones5 .......
Newman (4) and Smith and Jones (5) claim......
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".1(p23)
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".(1 p23)
When creating in-text citations:
- give each new source the next consecutive reference number
- use the unique reference number of a source for subsequent citations
- include the page number(s), where possible, if you are directly quoting an author's words.
- Author AA, Author BB. Title [type of medium]. Place of publication: Publisher; Date of publication. Report No.: Figure Number, Figure name/description. Available from: URL doi:
- United Nations Children’s Fund. Children, food and nutrition: growing well in a changing world [Internet]. 2019. Figure A.1, Prevalence of children under 5 who are not growing well (stunted, wasted or overweight), 2018. Available from: https://www.unicef.org/media/60806/file/SOWC-2019.pdf
- Follow the format of the reference type (book, journal or website) in which you found the table/figure/image/appendix
- Provide the table/figure/image/appendix number of original source,
- Use the title of table/figure/image/appendix from original source;
- Provide the page number of table/figure/image/appendix from original source.
- Each reference to a different table/figure/image within the same document requires a separate entry in the Reference list
Reference list
- When more than six names listed, use the first six names followed by et al.
- Capitalise only the first word of a title, proper nouns, proper adjectives, acronyms, and initials
- For materials on the Internet add the type of medium designator [Internet] following the title, and the URL is required.
- For materials other than print books and print journals add the type of medium designator following the title for example: [dissertation], [master's thesis], [bibliography], [microfiche], [DVD]. Consult the official Citing Medicine NLM Style Guide for additional information on types of medium for the sources you are using.
As shown by Smith and Jones5 .......
Newman (4) and Smith and Jones (5) claim......
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".1(p23)
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".(1 p23)
When creating in-text citations:
- give each new source the next consecutive reference number
- use the unique reference number of a source for subsequent citations
- include the page number(s), where possible, if you are directly quoting an author's words.
- Investigator(s) names. Title of dataset [medium type]. Host institution name/Producer: Physical location; Year of publication [Date accessed]. Available from: Identifier – DOI or URL
- Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Cardiovascular disease in women data tables [dataset on the Internet]. Australian Government: Cardiovascular disease in women report; 2019. [cited 2019 Dec 22]. Available from: https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports-data/health-conditions-disability-deaths/heart-stroke-vascular-diseases/data
- For all types of databases, retrieval systems, and datasets on the Internet, reproduce the title as closely as possible to the wording that appears on the screen, duplicating capitalisation, case, symbols, spacing, and punctuation.
Reference list
- When more than six names listed, use the first six names followed by et al.
- Capitalise only the first word of a title, proper nouns, proper adjectives, acronyms, and initials
- For materials on the Internet add the type of medium designator [Internet] following the title, and the URL is required.
- For materials other than print books and print journals add the type of medium designator following the title for example: [dissertation], [master's thesis], [bibliography], [microfiche], [DVD]. Consult the official Citing Medicine NLM Style Guide for additional information on types of medium for the sources you are using.
As shown by Smith and Jones5 .......
Newman (4) and Smith and Jones (5) claim......
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".1(p23)
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".(1 p23)
When creating in-text citations:
- give each new source the next consecutive reference number
- use the unique reference number of a source for subsequent citations
- include the page number(s), where possible, if you are directly quoting an author's words.
- Organisation Name. Title of document [type of medium]. Place of publication: Publisher; Date of publication [cited YYYY Mon DD]. Total number of pages. Report No.: Available from: URL
- Australian Bureau of Statistics. Annual report 2017-18 [Internet]. Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia; 2018 [cited 2019 Sep 25]. 132 p. ABS Cat. No.: 1001.0. Available from: https://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/Lookup/by%20Subject/1001.0~2017-18~Main%20Features~About%20this%20Release~9999
Reference list
- When more than six names listed, use the first six names followed by et al.
- Capitalise only the first word of a title, proper nouns, proper adjectives, acronyms, and initials
- For materials on the Internet add the type of medium designator [Internet] following the title, and the URL is required.
- For materials other than print books and print journals add the type of medium designator following the title for example: [dissertation], [master's thesis], [bibliography], [microfiche], [DVD]. Consult the official Citing Medicine NLM Style Guide for additional information on types of medium for the sources you are using.
As shown by Smith and Jones5 .......
Newman (4) and Smith and Jones (5) claim......
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".1(p23)
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".(1 p23)
When creating in-text citations:
- give each new source the next consecutive reference number
- use the unique reference number of a source for subsequent citations
- include the page number(s), where possible, if you are directly quoting an author's words.
Website, social media, software, AI
- Author / organisation's name. Title of the page [Internet]. Place of publication: Publisher; Date or year of publication [updated YYYY Mon DD; cited YYYY Mon DD]. Available from: URL
- United Nations. Shaping our future together [Internet]. New York: United Nations; [updated 2019; cited 2019 Nov 11]. Available from: https://www.un.org/en/
- Locate the author or organization with responsibility for the homepage, a title, a place of publication, a publisher, and a date of publication.
- The latest date of update/revision should therefore be included along with the date cited, i.e., the date the person doing the citing saw the homepage on the Internet.
Reference list
- When more than six names listed, use the first six names followed by et al.
- Capitalise only the first word of a title, proper nouns, proper adjectives, acronyms, and initials
- For materials on the Internet add the type of medium designator [Internet] following the title, and the URL is required.
- For materials other than print books and print journals add the type of medium designator following the title for example: [dissertation], [master's thesis], [bibliography], [microfiche], [DVD]. Consult the official Citing Medicine NLM Style Guide for additional information on types of medium for the sources you are using.
As shown by Smith and Jones5 .......
Newman (4) and Smith and Jones (5) claim......
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".1(p23)
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".(1 p23)
When creating in-text citations:
- give each new source the next consecutive reference number
- use the unique reference number of a source for subsequent citations
- include the page number(s), where possible, if you are directly quoting an author's words.
- Author AA or Website Organisation name. Title [Internet]. Place of publication: Publisher; date of publication YYYY Mon [cited YYYY Mon DD]. Number of pages p. Available from: URL
- World Health Organization. The e-2020 initiative of 21 malaria-eliminating countries: 2019 progress report [Internet]. Geneva: Global Malaria Programme, World Health Organization; 2019 [cited 2019 Nov 28]. 15 p. Available from: https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/325304/WHO-CDS-GMP-2019.07-eng.pdf
Reference list
- When more than six names listed, use the first six names followed by et al.
- Capitalise only the first word of a title, proper nouns, proper adjectives, acronyms, and initials
- For materials on the Internet add the type of medium designator [Internet] following the title, and the URL is required.
- For materials other than print books and print journals add the type of medium designator following the title for example: [dissertation], [master's thesis], [bibliography], [microfiche], [DVD]. Consult the official Citing Medicine NLM Style Guide for additional information on types of medium for the sources you are using.
As shown by Smith and Jones5 .......
Newman (4) and Smith and Jones (5) claim......
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".1(p23)
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".(1 p23)
When creating in-text citations:
- give each new source the next consecutive reference number
- use the unique reference number of a source for subsequent citations
- include the page number(s), where possible, if you are directly quoting an author's words.
Author is blog owner
- Author or Organisation. Title of blog [blog on the Internet]. Place of publication: Publisher. First year of blog followed by dash -. Title of post; year month day of post [cited year month day]; [number of screens]. Available from: URL
Contributor to blog
- Author AA. Title of post. Year month day of post [cited year month day]. In: Author or editor of blog. Title of blog [blog on the Internet]. Place of publication: Publisher. First year of blog followed by dash -. [about – number of screens]. Available from: URL
- Australian Government Department of Health. HealthDirect [blog on the Internet]. Canberra: Australian Government Department of Health. 2006-. What you need to know about organ donation; 2018 May 11 [cited 2019 Nov 22]; [about 2 screens]. Available from: https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/blog/what-you-need-to-know-about-organ-donation
- Pearl R. What can be done to improve our maternal death rate? 2019 Oct 18 [cited 2019 Nov 22]. In: Pho K. KevinMD [blog on the Internet]. Nashua (NH): Kevin Pho. 2004-. [about 3 screens]. Available from: https://www.kevinmd.com/blog/2019/10/what-can-be-done-to-improve-our-maternal-death-rate.html
- If the place of publication is absent, use the author's city in its place.
- If no beginning date for the Blog is found, use the date of the earliest message posted (usually found under Archive) and place it in square brackets.
- Reproduce the title of a blog as closely as possible to the wording that appears on the screen, duplicating capitalization, spacing, and punctuation.
Reference list
- When more than six names listed, use the first six names followed by et al.
- Capitalise only the first word of a title, proper nouns, proper adjectives, acronyms, and initials
- For materials on the Internet add the type of medium designator [Internet] following the title, and the URL is required.
- For materials other than print books and print journals add the type of medium designator following the title for example: [dissertation], [master's thesis], [bibliography], [microfiche], [DVD]. Consult the official Citing Medicine NLM Style Guide for additional information on types of medium for the sources you are using.
As shown by Smith and Jones5 .......
Newman (4) and Smith and Jones (5) claim......
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".1(p23)
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".(1 p23)
When creating in-text citations:
- give each new source the next consecutive reference number
- use the unique reference number of a source for subsequent citations
- include the page number(s), where possible, if you are directly quoting an author's words.
- Author AA. Title of FaceBook post [Internet]. Date posted YYYY Mon DD [Date cited YYYY Mon DD]; Available from: URL
- Author AA OR Twitter name. Full text of tweet. [Internet]. Date tweet posted YYYY Mon DD [date cited YYYY Mon DD]; Available from: URL
- Griffith University. From WICKED The Musical to Mozart, the Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University students are set to deliver a stellar 2020 season [Internet]. 2019 Nov 4 [cited 2019 Nov 11]. Available from: https://www.facebook.com/griffithuniversity/
- Griffith University. Four years ago a group of alumni from @GriffithFilm created an animated series featuring a loveable blue heeler from Brisbane. @RollingStone just named @OfficialBlueyTV one of the top 100 sitcoms of 2020... for real life! [Internet]. 2021 May 24 [cited 2021 May 30]. Available from: https://x.com/Griffith_Uni/status/1396635307727011843
- Reproduce the title of the post as closely as possible to the wording that appears on the screen, duplicating capitalization, spacing, and punctuation.
Reference list
- When more than six names listed, use the first six names followed by et al.
- Capitalise only the first word of a title, proper nouns, proper adjectives, acronyms, and initials
- For materials on the Internet add the type of medium designator [Internet] following the title, and the URL is required.
- For materials other than print books and print journals add the type of medium designator following the title for example: [dissertation], [master's thesis], [bibliography], [microfiche], [DVD]. Consult the official Citing Medicine NLM Style Guide for additional information on types of medium for the sources you are using.
As shown by Smith and Jones5 .......
Newman (4) and Smith and Jones (5) claim......
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".1(p23)
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".(1 p23)
When creating in-text citations:
- give each new source the next consecutive reference number
- use the unique reference number of a source for subsequent citations
- include the page number(s), where possible, if you are directly quoting an author's words.
#. Software. Title (Version number) [Description]. Publisher; date of publication YYYY Mon DD. Available from: URL
- ChatGPT. Response to input (March 14 version) [Large language model]. OpenAI; 2023 Apr 18. Available from: https://chat.openai.com/chat
- Check the details of your assessment and/or course to determine if you are permitted to use generative artificial intelligence tools to complete your assessment.
- Describe how you have used the AI tool in your work.
- Include an in-text citation and a reference list entry for the AI tool used.
- Do not include the publisher if this is the same as the author.
- Use the home page of the software for the URL source.
- Use the title field to describe the output.
Legal, standard, unpublished
- Title of case (year) Volume Abbreviated name of report series Page on which report begins
- Craig v Medical Board of South Australia (2001) SASC 169
- PP Consultants Pty Limited v. Finance Sector Union [2000] HCA 59
- Commonwealth v. Anderson (1960) 105 CLR 303; 34 ALJR 323
- Required details include the name of the case and reference details - year or volume number or both, abbreviated name of the report series, and the page on which the report of the case begins.
- A decision at law may appear in more than one report series, so more than one reference may be given.
- Square brackets are used when there is no volume number and the year is part of the title.
Reference list
- When more than six names listed, use the first six names followed by et al.
- Capitalise only the first word of a title, proper nouns, proper adjectives, acronyms, and initials
- For materials on the Internet add the type of medium designator [Internet] following the title, and the URL is required.
- For materials other than print books and print journals add the type of medium designator following the title for example: [dissertation], [master's thesis], [bibliography], [microfiche], [DVD]. Consult the official Citing Medicine NLM Style Guide for additional information on types of medium for the sources you are using.
As shown by Smith and Jones5 .......
Newman (4) and Smith and Jones (5) claim......
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".1(p23)
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".(1 p23)
When creating in-text citations:
- give each new source the next consecutive reference number
- use the unique reference number of a source for subsequent citations
- include the page number(s), where possible, if you are directly quoting an author's words.
- Short title of the act in italics Year in italics (Jurisdiction abbreviated) Pinpoint reference to relevant section if applicable.
- Mental Health Act 2016 (Qld)
- Wild Animals in Circuses Act 2019 (UK)
- Agricultural Chemicals Distribution Control Act 1966 (Qld) s 3.
- Legislation is only included in a reference list if it is important to the understanding of the work
- Acts, Ordinances, and Regulations and other forms of delegated legislation should be cited exactly. Spelling or capitalisation should not be altered to suit the referencing style.
- If no short title use the long title.
- The year of enactment is part of the title.
Reference list
- When more than six names listed, use the first six names followed by et al.
- Capitalise only the first word of a title, proper nouns, proper adjectives, acronyms, and initials
- For materials on the Internet add the type of medium designator [Internet] following the title, and the URL is required.
- For materials other than print books and print journals add the type of medium designator following the title for example: [dissertation], [master's thesis], [bibliography], [microfiche], [DVD]. Consult the official Citing Medicine NLM Style Guide for additional information on types of medium for the sources you are using.
As shown by Smith and Jones5 .......
Newman (4) and Smith and Jones (5) claim......
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".1(p23)
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".(1 p23)
When creating in-text citations:
- give each new source the next consecutive reference number
- use the unique reference number of a source for subsequent citations
- include the page number(s), where possible, if you are directly quoting an author's words.
- Organisation Responsible for the Standard. Standard number - Name of standard [type of medium]. Year [revision DD Mon YYYY; cited YYYY Mon DD]. Available from: URL
- International Organization for Standardization. ISO 22000 – Food safety management [Internet]. 2018(en) [cited 2019 May 20]. Available from: https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#iso:std:iso:22000:ed-2:v1:en
Reference list
- When more than six names listed, use the first six names followed by et al.
- Capitalise only the first word of a title, proper nouns, proper adjectives, acronyms, and initials
- For materials on the Internet add the type of medium designator [Internet] following the title, and the URL is required.
- For materials other than print books and print journals add the type of medium designator following the title for example: [dissertation], [master's thesis], [bibliography], [microfiche], [DVD]. Consult the official Citing Medicine NLM Style Guide for additional information on types of medium for the sources you are using.
As shown by Smith and Jones5 .......
Newman (4) and Smith and Jones (5) claim......
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".1(p23)
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".(1 p23)
When creating in-text citations:
- give each new source the next consecutive reference number
- use the unique reference number of a source for subsequent citations
- include the page number(s), where possible, if you are directly quoting an author's words.
- Inventor surname AA, Inventor surname, BB, inventors; Assignee name, assignee. Title of patent. Patent country document type country code patent number. Date issued YYYY Mon DD.
- Buchanan, A, inventor; Eisner Australia Pty Ltd, assignee. Medical device. Australian patent 2014100259. 2014 Apr 3.
- Patents have two types of "authors", the inventor(s) of the device, process, or other entity being patented, and the "assignee", the organization or individual(s) holding legal title to the patent.
- Note that assignee is used to refer to both a single patent holder or multiple holders.
- The name of the country granting the patent and the patent number are used instead of place of publication and publisher.
- Use the adjectival form of the English name for the country, e.g., "French" for France and "German" for Germany.
- Note US patents use United States and UK patents United Kingdom, not American and British.
Reference list
- When more than six names listed, use the first six names followed by et al.
- Capitalise only the first word of a title, proper nouns, proper adjectives, acronyms, and initials
- For materials on the Internet add the type of medium designator [Internet] following the title, and the URL is required.
- For materials other than print books and print journals add the type of medium designator following the title for example: [dissertation], [master's thesis], [bibliography], [microfiche], [DVD]. Consult the official Citing Medicine NLM Style Guide for additional information on types of medium for the sources you are using.
As shown by Smith and Jones5 .......
Newman (4) and Smith and Jones (5) claim......
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".1(p23)
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".(1 p23)
When creating in-text citations:
- give each new source the next consecutive reference number
- use the unique reference number of a source for subsequent citations
- include the page number(s), where possible, if you are directly quoting an author's words.
- Personal communications usually take the form of a conversation, a letter, or an email. They are generally unpublished and not usually acceptable as a reference. However, if their content is very important in the context of your work, they may be included. It is recommended that permission be sought from the source or party to the conversation if you wish to include quotes in your text.
- Personal communications are cited within the text but are not included in the reference list, unless they are publicly available in an archive or repository.
- Personal communication in the text of your document should include: Date of communication, Type of communication - oral, written or email (include email address).
- If appropriate, the affiliation of the correspondent to a University or organisation.
According to a letter by C. Brown (Assoc. Prof., School of Environment and Science, Griffith University) in September 2019 ...
According to A. J. Merriweather, PhD (written communication, August 2011) ...
In an email from J. Smith, PhD (jonathon.smith@griffith.edu) in July 2018 …
In a conversation with D. H. Summers, MD (September 2018) ...
- Author AA. Title of lecture [Format]. Place of publication: Publisher; Year of publication [cited YYYY Mon DD]. Available from: website address
- Harris N. Burden of disease [Lecture notes on Internet]. Gold Coast: Griffith University, School of Medicine and Dentistry; 2019 [cited 2019 Oct 26]. Available from: https://bblearn-dnd.griffith.edu.au/webapps/blackboard/content/listContentEditable.jsp?content_id=_4679638_1&course_id=_76134_1
- Not all lecturers approve the use of unit materials, such as lecture slides, in assignments. Check with your lecturer first to see if these resources are acceptable.
Reference list
- When more than six names listed, use the first six names followed by et al.
- Capitalise only the first word of a title, proper nouns, proper adjectives, acronyms, and initials
- For materials on the Internet add the type of medium designator [Internet] following the title, and the URL is required.
- For materials other than print books and print journals add the type of medium designator following the title for example: [dissertation], [master's thesis], [bibliography], [microfiche], [DVD]. Consult the official Citing Medicine NLM Style Guide for additional information on types of medium for the sources you are using.
As shown by Smith and Jones5 .......
Newman (4) and Smith and Jones (5) claim......
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".1(p23)
...it is stated "findings are contradictory for function".(1 p23)
When creating in-text citations:
- give each new source the next consecutive reference number
- use the unique reference number of a source for subsequent citations
- include the page number(s), where possible, if you are directly quoting an author's words.
Style rules
- If no person or organization can be identified as the author and no editors or translators are given, begin the reference with the title of the book or journal article.
- Do not use anonymous.
- HIV/AIDs resources: a nationwide directory. 10th ed. Longmont (CO): Guides for Living; c2004. 792 p.
- New accreditation product approved for systems under the ambulatory and home care programs. Jt Comm Perspect. 2005 May;25(5):8.
Translators, illustrators or other contributors
Add name and role of the contributor, separated by a comma, after the title of the work. End the element with a period. If more than one additional contributor, separate the details of each contributor with a semi colon.
- Stein, E. Anorectol and colon diseases: textbook and color atlas of proctocology. 1 st Engl. ed. Burgdorf WH, translator. Berlin: Springer; c2003.522 p.
- Bosch F, Klomp R. Running: biomechanics and exercise physiology applied in practice. Bosch F, illustrator; Boer-Stallman DW, translator. Edinburgh (Scotland): Elsevier Churchill Livingstone; c2005. 413 p.
A secondary source/indirect citation is when the ideas of one author are published in another author’s text but you have not read or accessed the original author’s work.
- In the reference list, provide the details of the author of the work in which you found the quotation or idea - the actual source you looked at.
- Make it clear in the text of your document that you are quoting a secondary source.
- If possible always try and find the original work.
Multiple references in one citation
- Separate each in text citation with a comma.
- If the required citations are consecutive, record the first and last citations, and separate them with an ‘en dash’
As mentioned earlier [2], [9] agree that.........
As mentioned earlier [4]–[7] agree that......... (cites sources 4, 5, 6, and 7)
In-text citations
Acknowledge authors in your writing by inserting a reference number consistently as per one of these methods. Consult your course convenor on which method to use.
- As shown by Smith and Jones5 ...
- Newman (4) and Smith and Jones (5) claim ...
When creating in-text citations:
- give each new source the next consecutive reference number
- use the unique reference number of a source for subsequent citations
- include the page number(s), where possible, if you are directly quoting an author's words.
Reference list
Place the reference list on a new page at the end of your assignment and centre the heading References.
In your reference list:
- place references in a numerical list, in the order they are cited in your assignment
- list all authors, when there are more than six authors, enter the first six author names followed by et al.
- capitalise only the first word of a title, proper nouns, proper adjectives, acronyms, and initials.
- United Nations Children’s Fund. Children, food and nutrition: growing well in a changing world [report on the internet]. 2019. Figure A.1, Prevalence of children under 5 who are not growing well (stunted, wasted or overweight), 2018 [Internet]. Available from: https://www.unicef.org/media/60806/file/SOWC-2019.pdf
- Hugo M. Design and development of taloside-based inhibitors of galectin-3 and –4 [Thesis]. Gold Coast, AU: Griffith University; 2013. 85 p.
- Pierce BA. Genetics: a conceptual approach. 5th edition. New York: W. H. Freeman-Macmillan Learning; 2013. 880 p.
- Goldstein BA, Iglesias A. Language and dialectal variations. In: Bernthal JE, Bankson NW, Flipsen P Jr, editors. Articulation and phonological disorders: speech sound disorders in children. 6th edition. Boston: Pearson; 2009. p. 331-56.
- Zylinska J. Bioethics in the age of new media [Internet]. Cambridge MA: The MIT Press; 2009. 230 p. Available from: https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/bioethics-age-new-media
- Elsevier’s dictionary of psychological theories. Amsterdam (NL): Elsevier; 2006. Lens model; p. 360.
- Villareal DT, Miller BV III, Banks M, Fontana L, Sinacore DR, Klein S. Effect of lifestyle intervention on metabolic coronary heart disease risk factors in obese older adults. Am J Clin Nutr [Internet]. 2006 [cited 2019 Oct 11];84(6):1317-23. Available from: https://academic.oup.com/Ajcn/article/84/6/1317/4649332/ doi: 10.1093/ajcn/84.6.1317
- Tamini RM, Spiegelman D, Smith-Warner SA, Wang M, Pazaris M, Willett WC, et al. Population attributable risk of modifiable and nonmodifiable breast cancer risk factors in postmenopausal breast cancer. Am J Epidemiol [Internet]. 2016 [cited 2019 Mar 22];184(12):884-93. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/ PMC5161087/ doi:10.1093/aje/kww145
Official manuals
This guide is based on Citing medicine: the NLM style guide for authors, editors, and publishers (2nd edition) and The AMA manual of style: A guide for authors and editors (11th edition).
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Referencing information is provided as a guide only and is based on the official manual or other authoritative sources where available. You should confirm referencing requirements for your course and consult the manual directly for more information.
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