Help contacts

If you need any assistance, please contact ProctorU or Griffith's Exams and Progression team as soon as possible:

  • ProctorU: Phone 1800 841 822 (Australian free call - press 1 for Test-Taker, then 2 to connect/reconnect to a proctor)
  • Exams and Progression: Phone (07) 5678 0533

There are no available sessions for my exam, or the available sessions are at unreasonable times

If you cannot see any available sessions, firstly make sure that you adjust the time settings that appear just under the calendar on the left-hand side of the screen.

If there are still no sessions available, contact Exams and Progression as soon as possible at or on (07) 5678 0533.

Technical issues, losing power or internet connection during your exam

Your first point of contact should be ProctorU.

If you lose connection during your exam:

  • try to get back online as soon as possible
  • once back online, log back into ProctorU
  • ask for help to be reconnected
    • use the ProctorU chat in the top left corner of the screen or
    • call ProctorU on 1800 841 822 (Australian free call - press 1 for Test-Taker, then 2 to connect/reconnect to a Proctor)
  • once reconnected, request for any lost time to be reinstated

Applications for sitting exams on-campus

If you are unable to complete your ProctorU exam off-campus due to unstable internet, lack of reliable equipment or other special circumstances, you may request to sit your Proctor exam on-campus.

On-campus capacity for exam sittings is limited and restricted to students who meet the eligibility criteria. Request to sit on-campus based on student preference will not be accommodated. You must have completed the Practice Test in order to be eligible.

Please contact Exams and Progression for further information via

Applications for special consideration or a deferred exam

If you experienced difficulties that you believe impacted your exam, you can apply for Special Consideration.

If you were prevented from starting your exam, you should apply for a Deferred Assessment.

Students who do not complete a Practice Test and experience technical difficulties during their Final Exam may not be eligible for a deferred exam.

Make sure that you keep evidence of technical issues and attach this evidence to your application. This evidence could include verification of loss of internet or electricity from your provider or screenshots of your chat with ProctorU.

Unplanned interruptions during your exam

If someone enters the room, or you need to leave for a bathroom break, ProctorU will note this. Course Convenors will follow up on any unplanned interruptions if they are concerned about any risk to the integrity of the exam.

The ProctorU check says my audio is not working

If you are using Windows 10, there is a known issue where updates can impact your audio settings.

I use a Mac and heard there are issues using ProctorU. What can I do?

You can successfully use a Mac and the Guardian browser, but there might be some settings you need to adjust. Making these changes before your session will save you time troubleshooting with a ProctorU technician.

Follow these steps to identify your Apple processor.

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