Making the switch

If you are a Griffith undergraduate student, you can apply for an internal transfer if you wish to study another Griffith undergraduate program. Before making the switch, we recommend you read important changes to fees below to understand how your transfer to a new program may impact you financially.

Looking for career advice? Vist our CareerHub for resources or to book an appointment with a Career Development Consultant.

Supporting documentation

Some programs have eligibility requirements that may require additional supporting documentation. For example:

  • official transcripts
  • legal documents indicating a change of name (if different from your transcript)
  • official supporting documentation e.g. English language proficiency results/evidence of registration/references.

We will accept scanned documentation. However, Griffith University will carry out audits that may require you to provide original documents.

Application opening/closing dates

Trimester 1 2025: Applications now open—closing 10 February 2025*

Trimester 2 2025: Applications open 11 February 2025

*Please refer to key dates for application closing dates. Please note: some programs may have an earlier closing date - see below for competitive programs. Refer to the program entry at Griffith degrees for more information. For other key dates, including open enrolment for your trimester, please refer to the Academic Calendar.

Eligible applicants

You can apply for an internal transfer if you are:

  • a current continuing undergraduate student or a commencing undergraduate student
  • an OUA student enrolled in a Griffith CSP program
  • on leave or returning from leave of absence
  • entitled to apply for readmission but wish to change your program
  • a deferred student.

Application criteria

When applying for an internal transfer, you will need to meet the following criteria:

  • admission requirements for the new program including prerequisites
  • special selection criteria where applicable
  • not be excluded from a Griffith program.

There must be places available in the new program and your application must be submitted by the application closing date (see key dates).

Identical criteria is used whether applications are assessed at Griffith University, QTAC or UAC. Prerequisites and additional criteria must be satisfied.

Information about the entry requirements, including prerequisites, for each program can be found at Griffith degrees.

You won't be eligible to apply via internal transfer if you are applying:

  • for some honours programs as there may be a specific application and assessment process. See honours for more information
  • for a program where the application process is only offered through QTAC*. These programs include Bachelor of Acting, Bachelor of Arts/Master of Public Policy and Leadership, Bachelor of Clinical Exercise Physiology, Bachelor of Communication/Master of Public Policy and Leadership, Bachelor of Dental Health Science, Bachelor of Dental Hygiene, Bachelor of Laws (Honours) Graduate Entry, Bachelor of Medical Science, Bachelor of Midwifery, Diploma of Music, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Musical Theatre, Bachelor of Nursing – Advanced Standing, Bachelor of Nursing/Graduate Certificate in Paediatric Nursing – Advanced Standing, Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours), Bachelor of Political Science and International Relations/Master of International Law, Master of Primary Teaching, and Master of Secondary Teaching. Bachelor of Nursing – Advanced Standing applications for the Gold Coast can be submitted via QTAC or UAC*.

*QTAC and UAC applications open in early August each year and some programs may have an earlier closing date. Check key dates for application closing dates or the program entry at Griffith degrees for more information.

You can apply for an internal transfer if you are a current continuing undergraduate student.

If you haven't started at Griffith yet and want to change your program, campus or defer your start date, you will need to submit a new application via the International Online Application System.

For other options, visit taking a break from study.

Application criteria

When applying for an internal transfer, you will need to meet the following criteria:

  • admission requirements for the new program including prerequisites
  • special selection criteria where applicable
  • not be excluded from a Griffith program.

There must also be places available in the new program and your application must be received by the application close date (see key dates for closing dates).

Identical criteria is used whether applications are assessed at Griffith University, QTAC or UAC . Prerequisites and additional criteria must be satisfied.

Information about the entry requirements, including prerequisites, for each program can be found at Griffith degrees.

You won't be eligible to apply via internal transfer if you are applying:

  • for some honours programs. There is a specific application and assessment process for honours programs
  • for Bachelor of Acting, Bachelor of Clinical Exercise Physiology, Bachelor of Dental Health Science, Bachelor of Dental Hygiene, Bachelor of Laws (Honours) Graduate Entry, Bachelor of Medical Science, Bachelor of Midwifery, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Musical Theatre or Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours). You can apply for these programs via QTAC*
  • for Bachelor of Nursing – Advanced Standing; you can apply through QTAC or UAC*.

*QTAC and UAC applications open in early August each year and some programs may have an earlier closing date. Check key dates for application closing dates or the program entry at Griffith degrees for more information.

Important information

Closing dates

Applications for the following programs are closed; however limited offers may be made if places are still available to existing applicants:

  • Bachelor of Dental Technology
  • Bachelor of Dental Technology/Bachelor of Dental Prosthetics
  • Bachelor of Nursing/Graduate Certificate in Paediatric Nursing
  • Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Paramedicine

For these highly competitive and/or quota-managed programs, the majority of offers are released in December to January, in line with when QTAC offers are released.

Students are encouraged to apply for an internal transfer by 9 December 2024 to be considered in line with when offers are released for these competitive and/or quota managed programs.  Applications after this date may be considered should places remain. Refer to how to apply information on the Degree Finder entry for closing dates and more detailed advice.

Applications for all other programs remain open for Trimester 1, 2025 until 10 February 2025. If you would like to be considered for a late internal transfer application for Trimester 1, 2025 please email

For other dates, please refer to apply to study key dates and the Academic Calendar.

For more information on when to expect an offer for these programs, visit track your application.

Enrolment requirements

If you receive an offer for one of the following programs, you will be required to enrol into classes* within a short timeframe. This information will be included in your Starting@Griffith email and expressed in the number of days from the day of issue of your email. If you do not enrol* into at least one class for your program by 5pm on the response day your offer will lapse. Lapsed offers are not automatically reinstated and are subject to available places:

  • Bachelor of Dental Technology
  • Bachelor of Dental Technology/Bachelor of Dental Prosthetics
  • Bachelor of Film and Screen Media Production
  • Bachelor of Nursing
  • Bachelor of Nursing/Graduate Certificate in Paediatric Nursing
  • Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Paramedicine.

*Enrolling into classes means that you are advising when you are attending class/es. Enrolment must be submitted.  If you don't take up your offer and/or do not complete your first trimester of study in one of the above degrees, you may be required to reapply for admission in a future intake.

For open enrolment dates for your trimester, please refer to Key dates—enrolment, timetabling and fees.

Minimum selection rank

The minimum selection rank from the Trimester 1 January offer round will be the selection rank required for internal transfer into Trimester 2 or 3 in the same calendar year (if the program is offered in multiple intakes).

Application progress

You will receive an email to your Griffith student email address with the outcome of your application. Many applications for internal transfer may not be able to be completed until all current trimester results are finalised. For more information about the status of your application and when offers will be made, visit track your application.

Upgrading your rank?

If you are undertaking tertiary studies to apply for a competitive program, you may need to complete a minimum of 80CP to maximise your rank. For study to contribute to your rank, the grade publication date for that study must fall prior to the application closing date. This means that Trimester 3 study will not be considered as part of an application for Trimester 1 the following year.

For further information, visit upgrading via university studies.

Portfolio admission

Applications for Trimester 1 2025 have closed. Applications for Trimester 2 2025 for the Queensland College of Art and Design will open 11 February 2025. After you apply, you will be invited to submit your portfolio and pay a portfolio submission fee. Refer to Portfolio Pathway for more information and key dates.

See the program entries on the Degree Finder for more information on portfolio requirements and closing dates.

After the portfolio admission closing date, applications via ATAR/Rank will still be considered for:

  • Bachelor of Animation
  • Bachelor of Design
  • Bachelor of Design/Bachelor of Business
  • Bachelor of Film and Screen Media Production
  • Bachelor of Games Design and Production
  • Bachelor of Visual Arts
  • Bachelor of Visual Arts/Bachelor of Business

For these programs, offers commenced on November 15 2024, in line with when QTAC offers are released. For more information on when to expect an offer for these programs, visit track your application.


Changing campus

Requests to transfer campus are not always guaranteed and may not be considered if:

  • the program does not have an intake for the trimester you are applying for
  • the program or campus offering is closed and/or quotas are met
  • you do not meet the admission requirements for the other campus (some programs at another campus may have a higher minimum selection rank).

International students

If you are a commencing or continuing international student, you can apply for a change of campus via myGriffith.

International students wanting to change campus and the program code is different for the proposed campus, you will need to submit your request via the internal transfer form.

You will also be required to meet the entry requirements for that campus, as entry requirements may be different. Some courses have a quota and is subject to availability.

Commencing domestic students

Commencing students looking to change campus may be directed to update their QTAC or UAC application.

Continuing domestic students

If you are a continuing domestic student and not changing your program but want to apply to change your campus you have two options:

Option 1: Same program code

If you are a continuing domestic student and your current program has the same program code across all campuses, you can apply for a change of campus via myGriffith.

To apply:

  1. Open your myGriffith.
  2. Select My program.
  3. Select the Change of campus link.
  4. Select your program and click continue.
  5. Select the drop-down arrow listed for Change my campus to and pick the campus you wish to change to.
  6. Select the drop-down arrow for the From term field and pick the trimester you wish to start at the new campus.
  7. Select Submit.

If your application is lodged successfully, you will receive the following message: ‘Campus transfer form submitted successfully’.

Note: Requests to transfer campus, especially for competitive programs including Bachelor of Nursing, Bachelor of Physiotherapy and Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours), are not guaranteed and we may request further information to support your request. Commencing students looking to change campus should take note of programs now closed and the admission requirements for the other campus as some programs at another campus may have a higher minimum selection rank.

Option 2: New program code

If you are a current domestic student wanting to change your campus and the program code is different for the proposed campus (for example, Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (1542) Nathan to Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (1546) Gold Coast), you will need to submit your request via the internal transfer form. You will also be required to meet the minimum selection rank for that campus.

Please note that the following programs do not allow for internal transfers and/or campus change requests: B Medical Science.

For information on closed programs:

Current students, refer to the application key dates page. For any programs closing mid-application cycle, refer to the application closing dates section above.

Commencing students with an active TAC application, refer to the QTAC or UAC website as to whether the University is still making offers.

Track your application and specific offer timelines

Once you have submitted your application online, you will be able to track your application's progress including what each status means, as well as key processing timelines.

Track your application—undergraduate

Successful outcome

Important changes to fees

If you are a Commonwealth supported student who commenced their program before 1 January 2021, changes to the student contribution bands may impact the amount you will be charged for your courses. More information can be found at student contribution bands. For International students, there may be a change to the tuition fee applicable to the new program or the new trimester of commencement. Visit paying your fees.


You may only enrol in the program for which you've received an admission. You will need to enrol in your new approved program and complete a new enrolment questionnaire.

For some programs, you will be required to enrol within a specific timeframe. Please see track your application – undergraduate for specific advice.

Unique Student Identifier

All Griffith students require a Unique Student Identifier in order to be eligible for a Commonwealth supported place and Commonwealth financial assistance (HECS-HELP, FEE-HELP or OS-HELP). If you're commencing a new program at Griffith, you will need to obtain a USI (or locate your existing USI ) and provide it via the Pre-Enrolment Questionnaire before your first census date. For further information, visit Unique Student Identifier.

Award of credit on transfer

You do not need to apply for credit when your transfer is approved. If you are eligible for credit you will receive an email to your student email address as soon as the assessment has been finalised. For further information on the credit process you can visit credit transfer.

Unsuccessful outcome and options

If you are not successful in obtaining a place in the tertiary program that most interests you, there are a number of ways to increase your chances of gaining a place in the future.

This process is often called 'upgrading' or 'admission pathways'.

If you are a domestic student, you can visit admission pathways to Griffith or visit upgrading via university studies for information on options to increase your chances of gaining a place at Griffith.

If you are an international student, see understanding entry requirements.

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