Information on changes to student contribution rates

The Australian Government’s Job-Ready Graduates reform package was passed on the 19 October 2020. The package includes changes to the student contribution for new students, who study in a Commonwealth supported place, from the 1 January 2021.

Here you can find information on the new student contribution rates, 'grandfathering' arrangements and how this may affect you.

Grandfathering arrangements

The Government has introduced 'grandfathering' arrangements for those students who commenced their program before 1 January 2021. ‘Grandfathered' students will not be disadvantaged by the student contribution changes.

If you are studying courses where the student contribution has decreased, you will be charged the decreased rates. If you are studying courses where the student contribution has increased, you will be charged the lower grandfathered rates.

Students who are not 'grandfathered' will be charged the new student contribution rates.

New student contribution rates

You will be charged the new student contribution rates if you either:

  • commenced a program before 1 January 2021 but did not complete the program before 31 December 2020, and you transferred to a double related program in 2021 e.g. Bachelor of Laws to Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Criminology and Criminal Justice
  • commenced in a double program before 1 January 2021 but did not complete the program before 31 December 2020, and you transferred to a single related program in 2021 e.g. Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Criminology and Criminal to Bachelor of Laws
  • commenced a program before 1 January 2021 but did not complete the program before 31 December 2020 and in 2021 you transferred to a related program (e.g. Bachelor of Science to Bachelor of Environmental Science) for which advanced standing was granted in relation to the original program
  • commenced a program before 1 January 2021 but did not complete the program before 31 December 2020 and in 2021 you transferred to a different program
  • commenced a program at another university before 1 January 2021, but did not complete the program before 31 December 2020, and in 2021 you transferred to a program at Griffith.

New student contribution rates

Grandfathered student contribution rates

You will be charged the grandfathered student contribution rates if you were a Commonwealth supported student in relation to a course in your program at any time before 1 January 2021 and either:

  • commenced a program before 1 January 2021 and did not complete the program by 31 December 2020
  • completed your program and you commence another program (the honours program) that relates to the earlier program and leads to a higher education award that is an honours program
  • undertook an enabling program in 2020 and on or after 1 January 2021, you commenced another program that leads to a higher education award
  • undertook a program in 2020 leading to an undergraduate certificate and on or after 1 January 2021, you commenced a higher qualification program relating to the undergraduate certificate program leading to a bachelor program.

Grandfathered student contribution rates