The My Research Outputs page lists outputs captured by Elements.

Access via the Research Outputs tile from your Elements homepage.

Click one of the following tabs to view output data:

    • Summary-basic bibliographic data for the research output.
    • Metrics-displays article and journal level metrics for the output.
    • Deposits-details of research output file/s in Griffith Research Online.
    • Labels-ontologies associated with the research output (2020 FOR codes etc).
    • Relationships-other users linked to the research output.
    • Sources-data sources for each research output.
    • History-log of all activities performed against the record.

Engage with Elements

Manually add research output

Import research outputs

Add creative outputs

Link funding to existing record

Deposit to GRO from an existing record

Edit record

Add labels

Send outputs to ORCID

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All support requests are managed by Griffith Library in partnership with the Office for Research and Digital Solutions.

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Claim/reject research outputs

Sometimes you will be prompted to claim or reject research outputs.

These will be placed in the Pending list for your approval.

An action in your My Actions list will also take you to pending outputs:

Claim or reject research outputs using the tick or cross buttons:

  • Claimed outputs will move to the Claimed list
  • Rejected to the Rejected list.

If there are many outputs that do not belong to you, and it is not clear for you why, contact Elements Support and the support team will help with:

  • clearing the Pending list
  • modifying search settings to improve accuracy of the searches
  • re-running your search.

Elements allows you to "claim" research outputs automatically, reducing the time and effort you would otherwise spend managing research output information.

Settings for auto-claiming are based on name, email addresses and/or matches in researcher identifier systems (e.g. ORCID, ScopusID etc.).

Research outputs claimed automatically will appear in your Research Outputs list.

Steps to set up “auto-claiming” only need to be performed once.  Elements will automatically claim your research outputs from that point forward.

  1. Login to Elements
  2. Select Menu > My Profile > Settings > Automatic Claiming

Elements uses a range of researcher identifiers (arXiv,  Dimensions, ORCID, Web of Science ResearcherID, Scopus ID, SSRN Author ID) to facilitate the claiming of research output data.

  1. On the Automatic claiming page, there may be a list of data sources under the "Do these identify you?" section.

    Elements locates identifiers from data sources based on search settings in the system.

  2. Approve or reject the identifiers using the Yes or No buttons.

    Elements will automatically claim all research outputs which feature that identifier and continue to do so in the future.

  3. If the system does not find all your identifiers, you can enter them by clicking on the “Add...” link.

Email addresses can also be used to autoclaim research outputs.

Your Griffth email address is automatically added to the autoclaiming system. Additional addresses can be entered (e.g. other institution’s email address).

Click the hypertext link under Add email addresses to enter another email address.

Name-based search settings are preloaded with your name (usually in the form of LASTNAME, INITIAL and LASTNAME, FIRSTNAME).

Improve these settings by adding name variants or address terms.

This is recommended if you:

  • Have a lot of research outputs pending that are not yours.
  • Published under a previous name.
  • Have a common name.
  1. Select Menu > My Profile > Settings Name-based Search

  2. For addresses, simply use the official name of the institution
  3. Click "Save" when finished