How to improve the teaching of reading

The 2021 Summit prompted participants to think about how we might continuously improve the teaching of reading in initial teacher education. The focus was on the place of phonics in a balanced approach to the teaching of reading.

The event was much more than a conference or a talk fest – informed and creative educators and educational stakeholders came together to shape-shift the work in initial teacher education and support beginner teacher experiences, school leadership initiatives and key stakeholder policy decisions.

A team of guest speakers presented short TEDx style contributions, interactive conversations, inspiring case studies and workshops.

2021 Creating Futures Summit Trailer

2021 Creating Futures Summit - Full recording

2021 Summit Wrap Up


Acknowledgement of Traditional Owners

Donna Pendergast

Setting the scene

Cheryl Vardon

Respecting Children's Voices as they Learn

Beryl Exley

The Teaching of Reading in Initial Teacher Education

Myra Geddes

Early Learning is Everyone’s Business – Establishing a pattern of success

Sarah Richardson

Preparation to teach reading

Dr Melinda Miller

Framing the whole child

Dr Misty Adoniou

English is a Morphophonemic Language

Dr Paul Gardner

Reading the future

Associate Professor Jessica Mantei

A balanced approach to literacy teaching

Julie Sheperd

...and that is how the English language works

Dr Deb Brosseuk

Teaching the Six Components of Reading through Inquiry-based Pedagogy

Emma Gulliford-Doomadgee

An Indigenous case study honouring children’s diversity for reading and writing

Wendy Doyle

Inclusive Education- Every child’s right to read

Adele Amorsen

Bridging Literacy - The crossover between early childhood education and care and the early years of schooling

Kristy Cundell

Cook with it, play with it, read with it, sing with it – A balanced approach to phonics

Jantiena Batt

Leading School Pedagogical Reform - Teaching reading in the early years