At Griffith, we advance scholarship and research to build a brighter future.
In our almost 50-year history, Griffith has grown to become a university of influence and is ranked among the top 2% of universities worldwide. With a diverse portfolio of subjects, its impact is felt at home and abroad.
A bequest is the most personal form of giving and a gift in your will to Griffith, offers you the opportunity to create a lasting legacy.
There is no wealth or age limit to donate to a cause you believe in, you can play an integral part in creating a remarkable future whoever you are.
More than $100 million of philanthropy has already been secured to create a brighter future for all.

Transformative education for all
We know an outstanding education is about so much more than assessment and marks. We believe the experience of earning a degree should be nothing short of life-changing in its ambition and impact.

Healthier lives for all
Griffith researchers are making extraordinary medical break-throughs. Our world-leading teachers and researchers are tacking some of today’s greatest global health challenges.

Thriving environments for all
We have always recognised the importance of protecting the environment around us. This is reflected in the beliefs and actions of our staff, students, and community, ensuring a liveable future for themselves, and generations to come.

A resilient Asia-Pacific for all
We have a decades-long reputation for being distinctly attuned to our region, and our country’s place within it. Australia’s role in the Asia-Pacific region has been a key focus at Griffith since our foundation, and it remains as important today as it was then.

Stronger communities and societies for all
We believe in the power of community and are vocal champions of collaboration, knowing we can go further together than we ever could alone. It is through building strong communities that we strengthen the bonds that keep Australia cohesive and vibrant.

Brighter future for all
We are a values-based university whose strategy commits us to creating a brighter future for all. We want to ensure the next era of our university’s history is as bright and innovative as its first.
You can change the world for the better through education and research
Honouring your wishes
There are many reasons behind a decision to leave a bequest to Griffith. It may be to remember a family member of someone dear, to give back as an alumnus or staff member or to simply support your passion for education and research. No matter the reason, we will ensure your wishes are met and honoured.
Leaving a gift in your will is easy.
Sign a new will
Amend your current will
Add a codicil
To ensure your wishes are met and honoured, please discuss your intentions with family before preparing documents with your lawyer. We also encourage you to have a confidential conversation with us about your intentions.
Suggested wording for your will
IMPORTANT – A codicil will only be effective to alter a will if there is certainty about the date of the will being altered, and the codicil is properly executed. To be properly signed, it should be signed by the will-maker in the presence of two witnesses who are not beneficiaries. The witnesses must also sign in the presence of the will-maker after the will maker has signed. When completed, keep this Codicil in a safe place together with the original will (which it changes) and tell your executor where you have put it. Do not staple or pin the codicil to your current original will, or you could affect its validity.
Whatever your passion or interest is, we will honour your wishes.
Creating a lasting legacy
A musical legacy stretching back to a famous artistic family in Austria, was passed onto the next generation through a piano scholarship.
Contact us
If you intend to leave a gift to Griffith University in your will, please let us know so we can ensure your goals are achieved.
Griffith University is endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office as a deductible gift recipient (DGR) and can receive income tax deductible gifts. Donations to Griffith of $2 or more are tax deductible in Australia.
The Promoter of this Griffith University Appeals is the Director, Advancement Office, pursuant to Sanction Number CP5701.