We are committed to a safe, inclusive and respectful university
All members of the Griffith University community have a right to feel welcome and safe. It's everyone's responsibility at Griffith to ensure equity and inclusion are part of our daily work and study environment. We provide a range of education programs and resources to promote campus communities that are free from harassment, bullying, discrimination or other behaviours that impact negatively on others.
Respect at Uni
Respect at Uni is a sector wide initiative aimed at promoting a culture of respect, inclusion, and equality to prevent gender-based violence and sexual harm on campus and in our communities.
Get involved in week 6, 15 to 19 April 2024:
Respect at Uni Webinar: It wasn't my business until it was.
A conversation about relationships, respect and how we can all do better to prevent harm and violence.
Hear from Dave Kramer, Small Steps for Hannah Foundation, Emma Morgan, Director Student Health, Counselling and Wellbeing, and Scott Croydon, Violence Response and Prevention Counsellor.
When? Wednesday 17 April, 11.00 am - 12.30 pm
Where? online
Respect at Uni - on campus
Visit our pop-up stall on campus and let us know your thoughts on respect, consent and how to recognise problematic behaviours. Help us design posters to prevent sexual and gender-based violence, and promote respect at uni.
Tuesday 16 April: Southbank campus (QCA)
Thursday 18 April: Nathan campus (Campus Heart)
Friday 19 April: Gold Coast campus (outside G11)
Complete our module for a chance to win a grocery voucher
Students who complete the Recognise Respond Refer module in week 6 (Monday 15 to Sunday 21 April) will have a chance to win a $50 grocery voucher.
Recognise Respond Refer aims to assist you to :
- Recognise - what harm, violence and disrespect look like, and what causes these behaviours.
- Respond - by supporting others and/or by calling out and reporting disrespectful behaviour.
- Refer - to reporting pathways and support services.
Recognise Respond Refer
Griffith is committed to creating and promoting safe and respectful communities, on and off campus. This 30-minute module aims to empower Griffith students with the knowledge to recognise harm and its causes; the skills to respond by supporting others and/or by calling out and reporting disrespectful behaviour; and confidence to refer others to reporting pathways and support services.
Sex and Respect: It's On All Of Us
Whatever your gender, sexuality or relationship status, this module aims to help you:
- understand respect as a foundation to healthy relationships;
- identify consent and non-consent in relationships and sexual interactions;
- understand attitudes and assumptions in society which effect your own beliefs and boundaries; and
- learn ways to look out for friends and others through positive leadership as an active bystander.
All staff and students should complete Sex and Respect: It's On All Of Us as part of the MATE Bystander Program.
Being an active bystander
If you see or hear behaviour that is not okay, you can do something to assist. If you think it's safe to do so, you can act in the moment to call out bad behaviour directly.
This might mean telling someone to stop, or letting your friend know that their comments or language aren't okay. If it's not safe for you to intervene immediately, you could choose to call for security or emergency services. You could also wait and assist the person who experienced the bad behaviour after the incident, when it's safe.
If you're not sure about the behaviour you are witnessing, just ask yourself is this okay?
You can learn more about being an effective bystander through Griffith's MATE Bystander program. Griffith students and staff can complete the program for free via Learning@Griffith.
Sex. Love. Dating. digital booklet
Griffith Health, Counselling and Wellbeing's Sex. Love. Dating. booklet is a healthy relationship resource, providing all you need to know about consent, friendships, dating online and offline, and much more.
Technology and Cyber safety
Our use of technology and online environments is increasing, and with it, the potential to experience unsafe behaviours such an technology-based abuse and cyber-bullying. The e-Safety Commissioner provides a range of information and resources to assist young people, educators, parents, women and seniors to both stay safe online and understand your digital reputation.
Harassment and discrimination contact Officers
Harassment and Discrimination Contact Officers are available to talk to staff and students about behaviours which may constitute harassment, sexual harassment, bullying and discrimination.
Cultural Competence Program
Increase your skills and knowledge in cultural competence, diversity and inclusion
Nurturing a Respectful and Inclusive Griffith community
Walking in rainbow shoes
As a Pride in Diversity member organisation, Griffith is pleased to provide staff and students with access to the 'Walking in Rainbow Shoes: LGBTI Inclusion training module'.
This 20 minute module was developed by Pride in Diversity and the Australian Red Cross Blood Service, to enable broader training reach, and to assist in raising awareness about LGBTI inclusion, particularly in the workplace.
Staff and students are encouraged to complete 'Walking in Rainbow Shoes', now available on Learning at Griffith.
First Peoples
Griffith provides a culturally safe environment for our students, staff and communities through recognition of our First Peoples - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
People with Disabilities
At Griffith University we are always seeking ways to remove barriers to the participation of people with disability in higher education.
We welcome applications for employment from people with disabilities and provide support to staff and managers through workplace assessments and reasonable adjustments.
Student diversity and inclusion
We're here to help all students get the most out of their University experience