Using degree and course finder

Our key website for degree and course information is degree and course finder. Here you will find all key details about Griffith degrees, including intakes, tuition fees, entry requirements and degree structure. You can also learn how to find course availability for Study Abroad and Exchange students.

How to find degrees

1. Visit the degree finder.

Degree finder

2. Enter an area of study, the degree name or degree code and select the search icon.

3. Refine results by selecting options in the left hand column including campus, study level and student type.

4. Select the degree by choosing 'View degree'.

5. Ensure the content displayed is relevant for international students by choosing 'I am an international student' in the 'Personalised by' filter under the degree name.

6. Follow the steps below to identify the requirements for a degree.

Academic requirements

To find academic requirements:

  1. Select ‘Apply' in the navigation bar
  2. Select 'Entry requirements’

For undergraduate (bachelor) degree entry requirements  -  select the country/region of your student's qualification under the ‘Entry requirements’ heading.

English requirements

To find English language requirements:

  1. Select ‘Apply' in the navigation bar
  2. Select 'Language requirements’

For more information on English language study options visit English pathways.

Intakes, duration and degree code

You will find intakes, duration of study and the degree code in the summary box at the top of the page.


To find fees for the degree:

  1. Select ‘Fees' in the navigation bar

Generally, 80 credit points (CP) is equal to two trimesters of study in a Griffith University degree. For most degrees you can multiply the 80 CP cost by the duration of the degree (in years) to get an estimate of total tuition fees.

Degree structure and courses

To find the degree structure and courses:

  1. Select ‘Degree details' in the navigation bar
  2. Scroll down to see available courses, majors and minors.

How to find courses

The steps below will help you find courses available at Griffith. Please note that course profiles are not usually updated until one month prior to the start of classes. Please use the previous year as a guide as it is unlikely that there will be any significant changes year to year.

Study Abroad and Exchange students

1. Visit the course finder.

Course finder

2. Enter a keyword relating to a course and select the search icon. Example: ‘business’, ‘risk management’ or ‘digital design’.

3. Refine results by selecting options in the left hand column including campus, study level and commencing trimester.

4. Click 'View course' to see the course details.

5. Ensure the content displayed is relevant for international students by choosing 'I am an international student' in the 'Personalised by' filter under the degree name.

6. The summary at the top of the page will contain key information about the course. Hint: the information under 'offered' will give you an indication of when the course is usually offered. For example, if it says '2019 Trimester 2, Nathan campus’, then it is likely it will be available at the Nathan campus in Trimester 2 for the year you are considering.

7. For more detailed information including prerequisites, select 'About' in the navigation bar, then ‘view course profiles’.