The Policy Governance Framework provides the structure for the management, development and review of University policies, procedures and guidelines.

The following documents constitute the Framework:

The Policy Governance Framework supports the University's governance arrangements, objectives and principles for policy development and review to ensure high quality, consistent policy documents that reflect and embed our values, comply with legal requirements, support quality assurance, reduce risk and which are readily accessible and understood by the University community.

All approved University policy documents are published in the Griffith University Policy Library.

All resources for policy document development, review and approval can be found on the Policy Library Homepage.

Policy Hierarchy

Our policy documents, which includes our policies, delegations, procedural documents and local protocols, are organised within a policy hierarchy. Documents lower in the hierarchy are subordinate to, and must align with, those higher in the hierarchy.

policies hierarchy chart starting with local protocols sitting lowest in the chart, followed by procedural documents, then policies and delegations, and finally legislation at the top of the chart

Policy framework terminology



Delegations Register



Local protocols


Policy documents


Registers and schedules

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For more information about policy at Griffith