Access self-assessment tools to help understand and manage your mood and behaviour

Taking a screening test or completing a self-reflection questionnaire is one of the quickest and easiest ways to determine whether you are experiencing symptoms of a mental health condition. Mental health conditions, such as depression or anxiety, are real, common and treatable. The screening tests on this site are not recorded and are completely anonymous and confidential.

Following each screening you will be provided with feedback, information and directed to supports, resources and tools that might assist you.


The below screening tools ensure your anonymity by not collecting any private details or personal data. Take these screenings anywhere you feel comfortable.


The below screening tools are designed to only take a few minutes per screening, and at the end you will be presented with information and next steps.


Completing these screenings will help you determine if your recent thoughts or behaviours may be associated with a common, treatable mental health issue.

I am having trouble with...

Selecting an option below will open a Mindwise self assessment screening external to the Griffith website.

Self assessment services provided by

Not sure how to proceed?

Visit the Mental Wellness page to see additional information about counselling services at Griffith, access self help resources, learn about specific mental health conditions and more.

Or, if you'd simply like to talk to someone, the Chaplaincy service can offer support for you on your life journey. Chaplains are trained to listen to your concerns and direct you to the appropriate services, or help you themselves if necessary.

First Steps Triage Counselling Service

First Steps provides short-term triage counselling support, where trained intern counsellors listen to your concerns, help you clarify key issues and assist you in identifying and strengthening your resources, and accessing the right services to support you in the short and long-term.

Griffith Mental Wellbeing Support Line

Explore the Student Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy