Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
Your details
Please provide your Griffith sNumber. If you do not have an sNumber then please leave blank.
Your first and last name.
Your Griffith email or organisation email if you are external to Griffith University.
What is the best phone number to contact you on?
Lab details
eg Singh, Rajan (Griffith) Lab
Principle Investigator / Account Holder's name
Account information
Is this request to add or remove an account? *
(7 characters)
(5 characters)
Attach a spreadsheet or document if you have many changes. Please describe the contents in the comments below.
Date changes required * (if any)
I am authorised to make this change and hereby approve the change *
Your privacy is important to us. Information you supply will be handled strictly in accordance with our Privacy Statement.(required)