What is iLab?

iLab is the digital Research Facilities Management System operating at Griffith since 2018. It enables Griffith and non-Griffith researchers and students to connect with our high-end research equipment and services.

Research facilities that join iLab are named "iLab cores" and over 540 registered Griffith users have access to these state-of-the are research facilities. All the iLab cores are championed by highly skilled technical staff, ready to support your research.

Book Now, or Search, equipment and services available on all iLab Cores at Griffith.

iLab booking

Explore the iLab capabilities offered at Griffith.

Quick guides

To use iLab, you first need to register. See below the links to our registering guides and quick steps.

Griffith user guide:

Quick steps:

  • Click on the blue "sign-up" button (top right-hand corner of iLab landing page)
  • Use Griffith credentials
  • Join you supervisors' lab
  • Are you a Chief Investigator? apply for a new research group

After registering, you can book equipment or services on any iLab core facility at Griffith (training or inductions may apply).

Non-Griffith user guide:

Quick steps:

Some equipment requires training before booking so, to avoid disappointment, we recommend you to contact the iLab core facility manager before booking for the first time.

The below guides will assist new users to familiarise themselves with:

iLab uses specific terminology for Chief Investigators, research facilities and more.

See our iLab terminology summary for more information.

Common questionsAnswers
How do I create a lab on iLab?Complete the New Griffith Group request form

How do I search equipment on iLab?

Go to the iLab landing page, click the third tab “Search for equipment and services

How do I track my booking?

Log into iLab, select the hamburger icon and open "View my Requests". Click on the small blue triangle to expand your booking overview panel

How do I update the
speedtype-class of a booking?

Log into iLab, select the hamburger icon and open "View my Requests". On the right hand side, click on the dollar icon to add or change your speedtype and class

How do I change my iLab group membership?

After logging in, click on the three line “hamburger” icon on the top left. Locate the grey button and click on “Request Group Access”

Start typing your institution (Griffith) and the name of your supervisor or group you want to change to. The owner of the new research group will receive your request for approval
More questions? Visit Ask Us

Drop-in sessions

Join us online and bring your questions every Thursday from 11-11:30 am. No need to book.

Can’t find what you’re looking for on iLab?

Visit our Research Infrastructure Portal to find and connect with all Griffith research equipment, facilities and capabilities.

Equipment can be searched for by name, application, campus, facility certifications and more.

Contact us

Booking & services

Contact iLab Cores

Other admin enquiries


General IT assistance

IT Service Centre

Common questions