Our experienced staff are dedicated to providing a high quality learning experience

Many staff in the School of Education and Professional Studies are recognised nationally and internationally as leaders in their fields with a range of teaching awards and research grants reflecting their strengths.

The academic staff bring a rich range of experiences from diverse locations and contexts in schools, industry, business and community organisations, providing a kaleidoscope of experiences for students to engage with. Many have worked in universities outside of Australia and the school has active links with leading universities nationally and internationally, helping to provide students a genuine sense of global connectedness.

Executive Staff

Professor Frances Press

Dean and Head of School

Professor Frances Press is Dean and Head of School, Education and Professional Studies. Frances’ research focuses on early childhood education and care, in particular,how policy and practice can support socially just outcomes for children and families. Frances has a strong belief in the transformative potential of education for both individuals and communities.

Griffith Experts profile for Donna Pendergast

Associate Professor Glenda McGregor

Deputy Head (Learning & Teaching)

Associate Professor Glenda McGregor oversees accreditation for initial teacher education programs and the design of postgraduate programs. She brings extensive industry and tertiary experience of learning and teaching. Her research interests include sociology of youth, alternative, democratic and flexible schools, pedagogy and curriculum and, social justice and education.

Griffith Experts profile for Beryl Exley

Associate Professor Jennifer Alford

Deputy Head (Research)

Associate Professor Jennifer Alford is Deputy Head of School (Research), and Deputy Director of Griffith Institute of Education Research at Griffith University.

She is an ARC DECRA Fellow exploring how diverse migrant and refugee-background youth engage with critical literacies in and out of school; and how their teachers interpret curriculum and enact pedagogies that maximise diverse learner engagement. Her research work explores teacher knowledge and practice in classrooms with English as an Additional Language learners, using qualitative, ethnographically-informed case study approaches and discourse analysis. She also conducts policy and curriculum analysis.

Griffith Experts profile

Associate Professor Sue Whatman

Coordinator, Higher Degree Research

Associate Professor Sue Whatman is known internationally for her research in decolonising health and physical education curriculum and sport pedagogy, in initial teacher education and teacher and coach professional learning. Recognised as a Senior Fellow in Higher Education (SFHEA), Sue's practitioner-focused research informs her award-winning teaching, fuelled and characterised by a sustained commitment to social justice, equity, decolonising and anti-racist praxis. As the HDR Coordinator, Sue provides strategic advice for the AEL research plan, chairs Examination panels, Milestone seminars and Independent Assessments of candidature. Sue is also the Program Advisor for the Health and Physical Education (HPE) major, convening, teaching and leading the HPE teaching team in three HPE core courses.

Griffith Experts profile

Dr Loraine Mckay

Associate Professor Loraine McKay

Initial Teacher Education Director

Associate Professor Loraine McKay has extensive experience teaching  into Initial Teacher Education courses and has held large service roles within the school as the first year coordinator for the Bachelor of Education, and more recently as the Program Director for the Master of Primary Teaching. Loraine is an accomplished researcher of the pre-service teacher experience, teacher education and teachers' work in schools and has a special focus on resilience and well-being.

Griffith Experts profile

Susie Garvis

Professor Susanne Garvis

Coordinator, Internationalisation

Professor Susanne Garvis is an international expert in early childhood education and care. She has worked in higher education across Sweden, Norway and Australia. Professor Garvis is the international co-ordinator of internationalisation as well as the program director for the Graduate Certificate of Early Childhood Education and Care.

Griffith Experts profile

Griffith Experts

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Academic Staff

Professional Staff

School Manager

Administrative Support

  • Ms Amanda Stewart - Executive Support Officer (Data and Reporting)
  • Ms Catherine Dennett - Executive Support Officer (Accreditation)
  • Ms Kristina Madden - Administrative Support to Dean Head of School
  • Ms Elena Nardulli - Administrative Support Officer (Gold Coast campus)
  • TBA - Administrative Support Officer (Mount Gravatt campus)
  • Mrs Carrie Zhang - Executive Officer (Engagement)

Contact our administrative support team.

Program and Academic Support

Contact our program and academic support team.

Professional Experience Office

  • Ms Katherine Tucker - Professional Experience Office Coordinator
  • Ms Tiffany Siu - Placement Officer (Secondary)
  • Ms Dijana Medic - Placement Officer (Secondary)
  • Mr Azhar Khan- Placement Officer (Primary)
  • Ms Catherine Wang - Placement Officer (Primary)

Contact our Professional Experience Office.

Technical Officers

  • Mrs Kamaljeet Kaur Assan - Mt Gravatt campus
  • Mr Michael Nieddu - Visual and Media Arts Mt Gravatt campus

Contact our technical support team.


General school or student enquiries