Connecting with a mentor can help with your transition to university

As a mentee in one of our student mentoring programs, you'll connect with a student mentor who is further along in their study journey in a related field. You will have the opportunity to develop your capabilities to improve your likelihood of success through engagement with other students and personal development through observing and interacting with mentor role models. Find out more about becoming a mentee in one of our student mentoring programs, as well as what to expect.

What is a mentee?

A mentee is a person who is formally linked with a mentor for a specific period of time to enhance the mentee's capabilities and their likelihood of success in their studies or career. Through our student mentoring programs, mentees gain information and guidance about university life and career options from their mentor. Mentees work with mentors according to agreements made between them.

What to expect

You can expect assistance with developing your capacity to succeed from someone who remembers what it felt like to be a new student.

Your mentor can also provide support and guidance to help you make connections with others, and will have respect for your experiences.

If issues arise

Mentoring requires work and initiative to maintain the relationship on the part of mentor and mentee. If you experience problems you feel you can talk about with your mentor, that may be the first step.

If the issue continues, or you feel the problem is of a personal or sensitive nature, it may be more appropriate to contact the mentoring program coordinator and discuss options with them.

Mentoring opportunities

Our student mentoring programs are an ideal platform for connecting mentees and mentors. Explore our wide range of programs to find one that suits you.

If you can't find a program you wish to join but are still interested, please let us know.

Student mentoring programs

Any questions

Contact us to find out more