You are invited to be part of a personalised workshop at Griffith University's Nathan campus with Service Learning and Jimmy Bayssari

Heightened trends in university mobility departments and governments deploying students on short-term overseas programs highlights the necessity for organisations to inherently practice prevention and risk management.

Jimmy Bayssari, Director at Project Everest Ventures will share strategy on practising prevention and risk mitigation as part of company culture, rather than just ticking a box.


Since 2013 Jimmy has been involved in the delivery of global mobility programs, risk management and crisis response, and leadership and business training for university students. In 2015, Jimmy co-founded Project Everest Ventures, which creates and delivers tailored social business solutions for local communities across the developing world. Project Everest Ventures is a trusted mobility partner for over 50 percent of universities in Australia, and a Singularity University Portfolio Company.

Based in Sydney, Australia, Jimmy is a Director of Project Everest Ventures as well as the Head of Training and Country. This involves managing the training, program delivery, and risk protocols of over 180 on-demand staff per month of operation, on a global scale. Jimmy has led multiple programs and projects across Asia and the South Pacific, focusing both on achieving excellent personal and professional participant development, and the alignment of social enterprises towards achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Jimmy has trained over 1000 students and graduates in risk management and crisis response at a range of levels, including student participants through to team and senior leadership, and company-wide authorised personnel. He has extensive experience in designing programs that focus on risk strategy, including developing and coordinating a 7-day scenario-based leadership, business and crisis management training immersion. Jimmy has coordinated multiple emergency casualty evacuations from a range of different countries, both in-person and off-site. This involved liaison with local medical facilities, in-country students, leaders and staff members, International SOS staff, insurance organisations, university contacts, and the next-of-kin back in Australia.


Date: Thursday 7 November 2019

Time: 10:30am to 12:00pm

Location: Griffith University, Nathan Campus N16_0.08

RSVP: Tuesday 5 November 2019

Service Learning and Practice Prevention, Risk Management Workshop