DFAT PSEAH Policy Minimum Standards

Griffith has a range of policies and procedures in place to address prevention, reporting and responding to SEAH incidents, as well as to set the expectations of staff; however, compliance with DFAT’s PSEAH Policy requires the University to manage risk in line with the Policy and its Minimum Standards.

To help staff identify the additional control measures required by DFAT for a specific project, the following guidelines can be applied. These additional control measures will ensure that Griffith remains compliant with the requirements of the Policy and its Minimum Standards and will build on the University’s own ethos, policies and procedures to prevent sexual exploitation, harassment and assault at Griffith.

For more information about Griffith’s existing PSEAH control measures and risk management processes, please refer to the second table further below.

Additional control measures

LOW RISK: Minimum Standards 1 and 2

MEDIUM RISK: Minimum Standards 1 - 3

HIGH RISK: Minimum Standards 1 - 5

VERY HIGH RISK: Minimum Standards 1 - 7

Existing control measures

LOW RISK: Minimum Standards 1 and 2

MEDIUM RISK: Minimum Standard 3

HIGH RISK: Minimum Standards 4 and 5

VERY HIGH RISK: Minimum Standards 6 and 7


For more information on DFAT's PSEAH policy, please contact the Manager, International Relations