Applying our research to find the way forward
The future of our world is being written by the research being done today. Our focus on applied research problems allows us to make a powerful impact on society now and into the future. Research generated in our school has resulted in national programs that assist children, parents, organisations, and those in society who need care. Our areas of research strength encompass disciplines across psychology, health services management, suicidology, and counselling.
Pledge & Values
To foster the research journey of all academic staff and HDR candidates and provide a supportive research environment and culture that optimises productivity and impact.
Engaged Researchers | Innovative Research | Inclusive Culture
Discipline Streams
Careers and Organisational Psychology
Clinical Psychology and Counselling
Associate Professor Heather Green
Associate Professor Matthew Gullo
Associate Professor Jacinta Hawgood
Associate Professor Jessica Paynter
Associate Professor Chris Peeping
Dr Kristyn Sommer
Cognitive and Biological Psychology
Associate Professor Elizabeth Conlon
Associate Professor Matthew Gullo
Health Psychology and Behavioural Medicine
Associate Professor Nicola Burton
Associate Professor Heather Green
Health Services, Systems and Management
Lifespan Developmental Psychology
Personality and Social Psychology
Professor Melanie Zimmer-Gembeck
Associate Professor Matthew Gullo
Research Programs

Childhood Anxiety Disorders
Our Childhood Anxiety Disorders Research Program assesses and/or treats children with high levels of anxiety using well-researched diagnostic and assessment tools and evidence-based treatments.

Pre-Schoolers Overcoming Phobias
This free program consists of assessment and treatment for children ages 3 to 5 years with a specific phobia. It aims to learn more about the course of childhood fears in young children, and involves testing a novel, brief intervention for childhood phobias.

OCD Busters
Griffith University Paediatric OCD Research Program provides assessment and state-of-the-art evidence-based, cognitive-behavioural treatment (group and individual format) for children and youth with OCD spectrum disorders.

Family Interaction Program
The Family Interaction Program (FIP) is a specialist parenting service and research group that has been working closely with the Queensland Government and families since 2002. FIP provides a diversity of parenting programs to the community, most prominently Parent-Child Interaction Therapy, Circle of Security - Parenting Program, and PC-Care.

Lights Out Online
Lights Out Online is a digital program designed to assist parents with sleep problems in children aged 3-12 years. Lights Out Online provides parents with 4 sessions targeting the most common sleep problems in children. The program has been trialled in face-to-face, videoconference, and online delivery formats and found to be effective in reducing not only sleep problems, but also anxiety and behaviour problems. A trial of Lights Out Online is currently underway.

Momentum is a digital mental health platform for children and adolescents who are having difficulties with anxiety, depression, sleep problems, and other issues such as substance use, diet, exercise and problems with screen time. Parents, children and adolescents can register on the platform and engage in an online assessment to determine the young person’s areas of strength and concern. The program will then provide the young person with feedback and a program tailored to their individual problem profile. Momentum is free to all Australian families and can be accessed at

Developed in 1996, the Australian Institute for Suicide Research and Prevention (AISRAP) is a national and international suicide prevention research centre. AISRAP conducts public health surveillance of suspected suicides and conducts individual studies with government, industry bodies and non-government organisations. Since 2004, AISRAP has operated a specialised outpatient clinic for people with a history of suicidal ideation or behaviour. AISRAP also provides education and training for health and allied health professionals, offering postgraduate programs in suicidology (Certificate, Master and Master with Honours) and accredited training.

MAIC Griffith Road Safety Research Collaboration
The Motor Accident Insurance Commission (MAIC) and Griffith University have embarked upon a collaboration across sectors of road safety and traffic psychology research. The traffic psychology and road safety research is primarily conducted in Queensland, with a focus upon research in the areas of motorcycle safety, vehicles as a workplace and fleet safety including heavy vehicle transport and logistics, taxis and rideshare, grey fleet (private vehicles used for work) and motorhome hire and tourism. The research team are involved in extensive industry collaborative research to improve work driving and motorcycle safety along with conducting research utilising our state-of-the-art Traffic Psychology Lab comprising technology such as a driving simulator, biometric shirts, and eye tracker technology.
Our researchers
Our world-class researchers work with industry, community and government partners to better understand our world and improve people’s lives