Domestic and Family Violence
If you are experiencing domestic violence, you are not to blame and you are not alone. Griffith provides a range of options to support you.
What is Domestic Violence?
In accordance with the Queensland Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Strategy 2016-2026, and Domestic and Family Violence Protection Act 2012 (Qld), domestic and family violence occurs when one person in an intimate personal, family or informal carer relationship (including include married and defacto spouses; parents of a child; people who are, or were engaged; and people in couple relationships, including same-sex couples) uses violence or abuse to maintain power and control over the other person.
This can include behaviour that is physically, sexually, emotionally, psychologically or economically abusive, threatening, coercive or aimed at controlling or dominating another person through fear. The violent or abusive behaviour can take many forms including physical, emotional and sexual assault through to financial control, isolation from family and friends, threats of harm and constant monitoring of whereabouts or stalking.
Support services
Staff Counselling
Griffith University staff and their immediate family members have access to a confidential staff counselling program through Converge International Services. Services include a dedicated domestic and family violence support line.
Health Services
An on-campus Health and Medical Service is located at Brisbane South (Nathan) and Gold Coast. The services provided include emergency and first aid, medical treatment, General Practitioners and ancillary health services such as Psychiatry and Mental Health care.
Security Escort Services
At night on all campuses, staff can access a security escort to accompany them to their car or other on-campus location.In the event of an immediate threat or instance of violent behaviour on or off campus, staff, students and other bystanders should contact the Queensland Police Service on 000.
Griffith Phone Book
If a staff member is concerned about their personal safety and security, they may request that their location details are removed from the Griffith Phone Book by completing the online form to change or delete an existing phone entry.
Harassment and Discrimination Contact Officers
Trained Harassment and Discrimination Contact Officers are located on each campus and are available to people who are, or feel that they may have been, the subject of bullying, harassment or discrimination at Griffith University. The role of the HDCO is to be a confidential point of contact to listen to concerns, explain University policies and procedures and provide information on resolution options.
Domestic and Family Violence Leave
Entitlements as per Enterprise Agreements 2023-2025.
"An employee may experience domestic and family violence in their personal life that may affect their attendance or capacity to perform their work. In such cases an employee may be granted up to 10 days leave each calendar year in accordance with legislation to attend to matters including, but not limited to:
- Medical appointments and legal proceedings;
- Protection of children and dependents;
- Other necessary actions associated with the violence.
An employee may be required to produce evidence that family or domestic violence has occurred, such as, a medical certificate, a document issued by the police service and/or court.
If it is not practical for the staff member to give prior notice of absence, the staff member shall notify the University by telephone of such absence at the first opportunity on the first day of absence.
In circumstances where domestic and family violence is of such a nature and/or frequency the employee can apply to the Director, HR or delegate, to access any unused Family or Other Special Circumstances Leave and then any accumulated sick leave to attend to necessary related matters. Further to the above, the employee can apply to take leave without pay, recreation leave or long service."
Family and Domestic Violence in LGBTIQ+ communities
We recognise the unique challenges experienced by LGBTIQ+ people in Family and Domestic Violence situations. Comprehensive coverage of these challenges can be found in the resources below.
Relevant Documents and Resources
The Domestic and Family Violence Support Procedure outlines the University’s commitment to supporting staff and students who have been impacted by domestic and family violence and provides information for them and those supporting them.
The Academic Staff Enterprise Agreement and Professional and Support Staff Enterprise Agreement include leave provisions for those who have experienced domestic or family violence.
Resources from the Queensland Government including information on protection orders can be found on their community support webpage.
If you are in immediate danger
Don't hesitate to call Emergency Services on 000 for help
DV Connect
Domestic Violence Connect is a state run initiative that provides confidential services for people experiencing domestic and family violence. Their website has a range of resources and information on the services available.
All hotlines are anonymous and provide confidential advice and assistance
DVConnect Womensline is a telephone service offering women who are experiencing domestic or family violence. They offer free, professional and non-judgemental telephone support to you, wherever you live in Queensland.
Mensline Queensland offers specialist assistance for men who are seeking help and looking for ways to address their own use of violence and other destructive patterns in their personal lives and relationships, as well as those who may be (or have been) victims of violence themselves.
Sexual Assault line
The Queensland Sexual Assault Line offers telephone support and counselling to anyone – women, men and young people – who has been sexually assaulted or abused and for anyone who is concerned or suspects someone they care about might have been assaulted or abused.
Safe Houses
DV Connect provides a safe housing service (sometimes called Refuge or Women’s Shelters) for women and children escaping domestic violence in their homes or community.
Placement in a safe house can be arranged by contacting DVConnect Womensline on 1800 811 811
Additional support
If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence you can also seek support outside of Griffith through the following services:
Support for students
If you are a student and need help find support available through this link
Additional Support for Students
Additional support for students includes:
Prevention and Training
QLD Gov Bystander campaign
Queensland Government has an web page for their bystander campaign which contains useful information on 'How to do something' and 'When to do something' when you recognise domestic violence.