Why is this study being conducted?

The HZNP-DAX-205 DM/ASIM Study is evaluating a study medication to see if it may safely and efficaciously reduce the symptoms of two types of rare myositis: dermatomyositis (DM) and anti-synthetase inflammatory myositis (ASIM).

These disorders cause chronic inflammation of the muscles that can lead to permanent muscle damage.

If you still have symptoms even with available medications, or you cannot tolerate the side effects of those medications, this research study may be an option for you.

Who is eligible to participate in this study?

You may be eligible if you:

  • Are 18 to 75 years old
  • Have been diagnosed with DM or ASIM
  • Currently experience symptoms of DM or ASIM

The research study team can discuss any other additional criteria with you.

What happens during the study? 

Trial duration will be up to 60 weeks and participants will have about 16 trial visits.

Trial site visits will occur at the Griffith University Clinical Trial Unit on the Gold Coast.

Study medication will be given by subcutaneous (under the skin) injection once every 4 weeks.

Volunteer to participate

Participation in this study is completely voluntary, and participants can decide to withdraw at any time.

Eligible participants will be reimbursed for travel associated with each study visit.

Contact Tracey Brumby

To learn more about this clinical trial, please contact:

Tracey Brumby, Clinical Trial Coordinator.

0481 484 286 clinicaltrialunit@griffith.edu.au

This study has been approved by Bellberry Limited #2023-03-246 and GU HREC #2023/373.

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