Start your research with us

CAEEPR is currently looking for HDR students and is able to offer Honours, Masters and PhD scholarships for applied research projects closely linked with partners’ needs.

It may be possible for the PhD students to spend one day per week on site with an industry partner (depending on the project goals). It is proposed PhD students commence at the start of each academic year in line with Griffith University’s quarterly intakes.

Calling HDR students

CAEEPR values students with a combination of skills: economics, IT, engineering or commerce/ finance. Career options include generation and transmission organisations both here in Queensland and in other jurisdictions.

Distribution organisations, government departments and regulators in the electricity industry as well as renewable energy businesses are also interested in hiring graduates with quantitative skills. Work roles include demand management, financial management associated with bid optimisation, policy setting and legislation development.

Considering HDR study?

Contact us to find out more

Higher degree by research projects

Role of Vertical Integration between Generation and Retailing vs Contracting in Managing Wholesale Price Risk with Increasing Share of Intermittent Renewables [With and Without Wholesale Price Caps]

Implications of Increasing DER and EV Penetration for Wholesale Market Competition and Pricing and Coordination between Generation and Distribution

Competitive and Regulatory Pathways for Transitioning to Renewables-Based Generation

How does increasing rooftop solar (and EV/BESS investment by households) create effective competition for distribution, and what does this mean for the optimal regulation of lines?

Refining the input database to facilitate ease of updating when a new ISP is released

Refining the output database to facilitate ease of presenting results from scenario runs to stakeholders

Visualisation of 2030 and 2040 network and scenarios

Optimising the efficiency and runtime speed of the program in order to reduce the run-time taken to solve standard scenarios as well as enhance the ability of the program to conduct scenarios based around 5 minute dispatch intervals.

The impact of transmission distances in Queensland eg FNQ/NQ with increasing renewable energy inputs

Modelling strategic generator supply offers using reinforced learning algorithms to maximise generator profits

Modelling strategic demand response (e.g. price sensitive demand bids) using reinforced learning – manipulating the slope or pivoting of the demand curve to make it more price elastic above a certain price threshold with objective to maximise consume

Different approaches to unit minimum stable operation levels

Develop different business/financial models capable of enhancing greater revenue certainty of renewable energy and storage projects operating within the NEM and investigate the resulting implications for the cost of capital of these types of projects

Investigate transmission network adequacy to achieve deep decarbonisation objectives within the NEM over a medium- to longer-term policy horizon (e.g. out to 2050).

Investigate network adequacy from the perspective of renewable energy zones.

Investigate the role that firming technologies might play towards system balancing in a network containing high penetration of intermittent renewable energy generation sources.

Considering HDR study?

Contact us to find out more