Digitising sheet music

Staff may request digitisations of sheet music from their course Reading List. Often an entire score can be digitised.

When you place your score digitisation request via your Reading list, the Library reviews it to ensure that the digitisation is permissible and that the correct Copyright notice is attached. Contact the library with any questions.

Photocopying sheet music

    Griffith Staff may photocopy sheet music for teaching their students. This music may only be used in a Griffith course of instruction, for Griffith research, or for performance at a University event. The amount you may photocopy depends on the source of the copy—a Griffith owned copy or a personal copy.

    Score owned by Griffith Library

    There is no limit to the portion of a piece of music that may be photocopied, but this applies only to original print scores owned by the University Library. Staff may not photocopy scores belonging to lecturers or students or borrowed scores.

    All photocopies must be stamped or marked with the following information:

    • Copy made pursuant to a licence between Universities Australia and AMCOS
    • Title of work
    • Composer
    • Lyricist
    • Arranger (if applicable).

    Score belonging to staff or students

    Staff may photocopy up to 10% of a sheet music work of a personally held work or borrowed through Interlibrary loan.  However, if the work is out of print, or the copyright in the musical work (and edition) has expired, you may photocopy the entire work.  The copyright in a musical work has expired if the composer and lyricist died before 1 Jan 1955.  The copyright in an edition expires 25 years after the edition was first published.

Need help?

Advice and support

The Information Policy Officer provides copyright advice and training across Griffith University for staff and students. Contact the Information Policy Officer by emailing copyright@griffith.edu.au or phoning (0)7 3735 5695.

  • Reading List Service digitises and makes readings available online for students through Learning@Griffith in a copyright compliant way.
  • The Library assists with supplying movies and TV material for teaching in a copyright compliant way.
  • Griffith Enterprise advises on ownership and development of potentially commercial copyright, inventions and other IP created by staff and students.

Common questions