Griffith University is at a point in its evolution where it can act more confidently, take some risks and push boundaries. This Plan sets a fresh direction for Griffith to be recognised internationally as a university of impact, both in the traditional academic and ‘real world’ meanings of impact. We will combine our disciplinary excellence with interdisciplinary strengths where appropriate to achieve life changing outcomes – consistent with our vision, “to transform lives and add to human knowledge and understanding in a way that creates a future that benefits all.”

This Plan is designed to support Griffith's ambitions by supporting our researchers and research trainees to strive for greater heights in academic excellence, innovation and delivering impact. We will create an environment where nothing less than first-class research is expected, and where people at all career stages can build research careers and succeed.

We will need to assert our place and our role within the global research ecosystem with confidence and be prepared to meet expectations around what it means to be a world-leading institution. Combining excellence in research and research training with the delivery of major impact is part of the new reality facing Griffith and this means that we will most likely need to combine the best of the past with imaginative new directions. That is what this Plan sets out to do.

Pathways to Impact Program

Research Impact is the guiding principle of the Research and innovation Plan.

Preferred options paper

This Plan entails a number of strategies and programs informed by wide consultation. Much of the background discussion informing the directions chosen for this Plan are in the Preferred Options Paper, which now serves as a companion document to the Research and Innovation Plan 2021-2025.