Causes and consequences of inequity

Our research seeks to advance knowledge that promotes inclusion, particularly that of members of society who are marginalised or vulnerable.

Our work interrogates health emergencies, gender-based violence, gender equity research, refugee and migration resettlement experiences and citizen engagement in public policy.

Our work

Gender and COVID-19

Academics from different universities around the world conduct real-time gender analysis, identifying and documenting the gendered dynamics of COVID-19 and gaps in preparedness and response.

The politics of expertise during COVID-19

COVID-19 has highlighted the extraordinary costs of pandemics for public health, domestic economies, international trade, travel and public trust in institutions. Expertise plays a crucial role during crises. The politics of expertise during COVID-19 Australian Research Council Discovery Project will examine how four governments, Australia, Sweden, United Kingdom and United States, incorporated public health expertise into their decision-making during the COVID-19 pandemic. These countries have similar economic resources, liberal democratic institutions, health system capacities and pandemic preparedness. Yet, their governments responded differently to COVID-19 .

With partner investigators located in each country, the project will compare how governments selected experts, managed disagreements between experts, and integrated diverse expert views into pandemic decision-making processes.

The research will advance our understanding of the role of experts during crises, help inform governments' responses to future pandemics and create an evidence-base for the optimal design of expert advisory systems during health crises to increase health emergency preparedness activities at global, national and community levels.

Prevention of sexual and gender-based violence

This joint project with Monash University aims to understand the impact of sexual and gender-based violence in conflict dynamics.

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COVID, Gender and Food Insecurity

This project aims to develop an evidence-based approach to identify the risk of economic hardship and food insecurity women experienced during the first year of the COVID pandemic in Myanmar, the Philippines, and Papua New Guinea.

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Women are Most Effected by Pandemics

Professor Sara Davies co-authored a report for UN Women that states women’s access to education and health services has been compromised by the pandemic. The report highlights emerging trends and reflects on the long-term impact.

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Containing Contagion: the Politics of Disease Outbreaks in South-East Asia

Published in 2019, Professor Sara Davies’ book explores fields of global health and international relations increasing concern with nations’ responsibilities to respond to disease outbreak in a way that safeguards neighbours and the global community.

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Oral Health for Refugees

This project applies a gender lens to existing oral health service delivery in terms of both practice and policy in Queensland to identify where improvements can be made and to set the agenda for future research in this space.

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Gender Equality Research Network

An interdisciplinary network of Griffith academics focusing on gender equality research.

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