Associate Professor Danielle Stanisic

Research Leader

Associate Professor Danielle Stanisic has extensive expertise in parasitology, immunology, vaccinology and clinical trials with a major research focus on malaria vaccine development.

Danielle’s research has a translational focus and involves transitioning whole parasite vaccine candidates from pre-clinical animal studies into clinical development and their evaluation in clinical trials. She has established the experimental malaria challenge system at Griffith University for this purpose.

She is also applying vaccine platforms developed within the Malaria Vaccine Program to other parasites of medical and veterinary importance e.g. Babesia.

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Research Projects: Stanisic group

Pre-clinical development of a whole parasite liposomal vaccine approach for a Babesia vaccine

Development and evaluation of a controlled malaria infection immunization approach for the development of a malaria vaccine

Development and pre-clinical evaluation of a transmission-blocking liposomal malaria vaccine

Interested in any of these research projects?

Get in touch with Dr Stanisic to discuss your next research opportunity