Associate Professor Manisha Pandey

Associate Research Leader

Associate Professor Manisha Pandey‘s expertise lies in microbiology, vaccinology and immunology with a major focus on translational research involving vaccine development for Streptococcus pyogenes.

Manisha’s research is focused on developing strategies to target adaptive immunity in infectious diseases with a view to develop preventative and therapeutics. Her core research interest lies in understanding immune mechanisms involved in host-pathogen interaction and in the development of immunity following vaccination and/or natural infection. Her research is transitioning the lead streptococcal vaccines to clinical trials in Australia and Canada. More recently she is also applying her vaccine design expertise in the development of a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine.

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Research Projects: Pandey group

Developing novel peptide-based vaccines for infectious diseases including COVID-19 and rheumatic heart disease

Developing an immunotherapy to treat invasive Streptococcus pyogenes infection

Modelling development of naturally acquired immunity to S. pyogenes to decipher protective immune mechanisms to aid vaccine design

Reprogramming autoimmunity in rheumatic heart disease with regulatory T-cells

Vaccine development for group A streptococcus to prevent skin and mucosal infection

Defining the global coverage capacity of a lead Strep A vaccine

Interested in any of these research projects?

Get in touch with Dr Pandey to discuss your next research opportunity