Associate Professor Todd Houston

Research Leader

Associate Professor Houston's research focuses on novel methods for the detection and treatment of infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis, MRSA infection, and Leishmaniasis. This is underpinned by the study of cell-surface carbohydrates and the immune receptors that interact with them. He is a Fellow of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute and the American Institute of Chemists, and is a 30-year member of the American Chemical Society.

Houston group bio

The Houston Group have: identified potent antitubercular compounds and novel sensors for cell-surface carbohydrates by synthesis of both bioactive and fluorescent molecules; discovered novel catalytic reactions through the study of boron interaction with carbohydrates; and discovered new immune modulating molecules, through the development of unique drug delivery systems.

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Research Projects: Houston group

Design and Synthesis of Synthetic Receptors for Cell-Surface Carbohydrates

Development of Novel Antibacterial Treatments

Improving Affinity of Glycosidase Inhibitors for Drug Development

Interested in any of these research projects?

Get in touch with Associate Professor Houston to discuss your next research opportunity