Associate Professor Thomas Haselhorst

Research Leader

Associate Professor Haselhorst is a former Alexander von Humboldt Fellow and ARC Future Fellow and has international standing in structural glycoscience and NMR spectroscopy. In particular, he has pioneered NMR spectroscopy techniques to elucidate interactions between glycan-based cell receptors and viruses, virus-like particles and intact cells. Associate Professor Haselhorst has worked in the field of Rotavirus and Influenza virus research and recently in collaboration with Professor Michael Jennings and Dr Chris Day in SARS-CoV-2 drug discovery and structure-guided vaccine design. Associate Professor Haselhorst's research also includes the development of intelligent nanomaterials as targeted drug delivery systems for Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and drug discovery of novel HIV and antifungal therapies.

Haselhorst group bio

The Haselhorst Group has a primary focus on structural glycoscience and using NMR spectroscopy to solve complex biological problems. In particular, how human pathogens (viruses, fungi and cancer) interact with glycan receptors expressed on cell surfaces. Recently, they established a Fragment-based Lead Discovery platform and in silico screening for efficient drug discovery.

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Research Projects: Haselhorst group

Novel Agents for Antifungal Drug Development

Development of novel non-antibiotic strategies to ensure food safety in Australia

Novel Antibody-independent Targeted Therapy for the Treatment of B cell Lymphomas

Structure Affinity Relationship (SAR) by NMR

Epitope binding investigations of carbohydrate-recognising proteins by NMR spectroscopy

Rotavirus: Structure Based Drug design

Inhibition of TIR domain assembly formation in Toll-like receptor signalling

Determining the differences between bacterial and archaeal type signal peptidase I substrate recognition

Interested in any of these research projects?

Get in touch with Associate Professor Haselhorst to discuss your next research opportunity