Avoiding community backlash in the fight against terrorism

This project examines community cooperation in counter-terrorism. This has national significance because counter-terrorism measures can undermine public cooperation and create community backlash. This is particularly the case for minority groups (i.e. Muslims or people of a Middle Eastern background). This project will test whether a procedural justice-based model of counter-terrorism can reverse the backlash against counter-terrorism policing and laws within Muslim communities. Outcomes will help improve police and minority group cooperation in the prevention of terrorism.

  • View Project report (PDF 1148k)

Project Leader

Kristina Murphy (Griffith University) and Adrian Cherney (University of Queensland)

Project Team

Kristina Murphy and Adrian Cherney

Project Value


Type of Funding

ARC Discovery Project




Counter-terrorism policing, Community Responses, social inclusion, police legitimacy and procedural justice


This project aims to examine the effects of counter-terrorism (CT) policing and laws on public cooperation with the police among Muslim communities in Australia. Specifically, we seek to address five research questions:

  • Does counter-terrorism policing and laws undermine cooperation and support for the police among selected minority groups in Australia who identify as Muslim?
  • Does counter-terrorism policing and laws undermine the perceived legitimacy of the law and thus support for these laws as fair and just among Muslim communities in Australia?
  • Does a procedural justice model of policing enhance or hinder the willingness of Muslim communities to cooperate in counter-terrorism policing?
  • Can a procedural justice model of policing prevent community backlash against counter-terrorism policing and laws?
  • What role does ‘social distancing’ and perceptions about the legitimacy of CT laws play in determining whether procedural justice will be effective or ineffective in shaping public cooperation with CT policing?