Many ways to get involved

There are many ways to get involved in the QPP and your support is much appreciated. Whether you have Parkinson’s disease and want to participate or you are a student or researcher that wants to contribute time and effort in facilitating our search for finding answers.

GRIDD is also committed to creating and enhancing national and international collaborative opportunities.

Donations to help support our research is an additional way you can get involved.


No person with Parkinson’s disease is the same and finding answers to some of the pertinent questions requires a lot of information and biological samples from many different individuals. The QPP aims to get information and samples from around 250 new volunteers on a yearly basis.

We are not only looking for people with a neurological disorder, but we also welcome those without, who can serve as a control group for comparison analyses. We welcome everyone who wants to participate in this worthwhile research endeavour. It only takes a moment of your time to fill out a questionnaire and the donation of a small blood sample.

Because it is important to know what changes during the course of the disease, we will contact you every year so you can provide us with an update of your situation by completing a short questionnaire.


We can’t do it alone! Help is always appreciated and everyone can help us in our search to find answers. If you are a student or a researcher that is looking to support our team, please get in touch with us to see what opportunities are currently available.

We regularly offer student research projects on a variety of topics.


GRIDD is committed to creating and enhancing national and international collaborative opportunities. If you would like to collaborate, get in touch with us now.


Research takes a lot of time, effort and money. A lot of our research relies on support from professionals, industry and people like yourselves. We all have the same mission and that is finding answers to Parkinson’s disease.

Your donation will help to keep the QPP to perform its vital function in the search to cure Parkinson’s disease. Your support is much appreciated. You can make a one-time donation or choose to support us on a monthly basis.

Donate now

Any questions?

Get in touch with the Queensland Parkinson's Project