At the Centre for Mental Health, we’re dedicated to supporting families and working to improve the understanding of factors affecting parenting and its impact on children and young people.

Our programs span a range of mental health concerns affecting children and young people including those with specific phobias and anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, sleep problems, behaviour concerns, body image and appearance concerns, autistic spectrum disorders and foetal alcohol spectrum disorders as examples. We engage in state-of-the-art evidence-based treatments for children and youth with our programs delivered online and in person.

Examples of our programs include:

OCD Busters for children and young people with OCD;

Take Action Program for childhood anxiety disorders;

Lights Out Program for childhood sleep problems;

BRAVE online programs for child and youth anxiety disorders;

Parent-Child Interaction Therapy for child behaviour problems.

We also conduct ground-breaking research on what causes and maintains youth mental health problems and strengths across individual, family, societal and cultural levels and work closely with a range of government, community, First Peoples and CALD partners to improve child and youth mental health.ProgramLogos

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