1 - 10 of 122 search results for susanne becken where 19 match all words and 103 match some words.

Griffith Experts
Professor, Department of Tourism, Sport and Hotel Management

Dr Susanne Becken is a Professor of Sustainable Tourism at Griffith University, Australia, and a Principal Science Investment Advisor with the Department of Conservation, New Zealand. Susanne has led several government-funded…

School: Department of Tourism, Sport and Hotel Management
Faculty: Griffith Business School
Telephone: (07) 555 28827
Email address: s.becken@griffith.edu.au
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Research reports. Carbon footprint of tourism destinations in Queensland. Associate Professor Tien Pham, Dr Sam Meng, Professor Susanne Becken. ... Associate Professor Tien Duc Pham, Dr Giang Phi, Professor Susanne Becken, Dr Cathy Xin Jin & Dr Jen-Je Su.
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Professor Susanne Becken. Susanne Becken is Director of the Griffith Institute for Tourism and an expert in the fields of global tourism, sustainable tourism, future of tourism, China tourism, as well
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School of Humanities, Languages & Social Science. Research project. Sue Cooke. ... Principal - Prof Brendan Mackey; Associate - Prof Susanne Becken; Associate - Prof Tapan Sarker.
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National Environmental Science Programme. $247,145. Associate Professor Bela Stantic, Professor Susanne Becken.
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Staff. Department of Tourism, Sport and Hotel Management. Menu. Committed to providing research-led education. At our department, you'll find a team of exceptional educators, researchers, and professors who are experts in their respective fields.
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Principal Supervisors: Prof Kylie Pitt and Dr Caitie Kuempel. Panel: Dr Michael Sievers and Prof Sue Jackson. ... Case Study of the Solomon Islands. Principal Supervisor: Prof Susanne Becken.

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