Your privacy is important to us

We know that privacy is a big concern in this digital age, so we understand the need to keep your survey responses anonymous from collection to reporting.

At Griffith, we only work with external research partners who also have high standards when it comes to protecting your privacy.

Your survey responses are anonymous.

In order to receive wholly open and honest feedback, it is crucial anonymity is always maintained and the feedback process is treated with respect. You will notice that some surveys ask for your s-number. Your s-number allows us to add demographic data to the survey without having to ask you additional questions, which the University already knows the answer to. This helps to provide figures which tell a story, so we can provide actionable insights to the relevant teams. Your s-number also allows us to remove you from reminder emails when you have already completed the survey.


We need quality responses for reliable data analysis and insights, so we follow policies and practices which protect your anonymity.

Your s-number and name are removed from the final reports before we share them with research teams. Survey reports maximise impact by summarising responses into figures that show a clear pattern. See our example report for how this works in the Student Experience of Course survey.