Undergraduate students

Qihan Zhou

Dr Maksym Rybachuk and

Dr Nathan Garland

Generation of atmospheric plasma for  activation,
sterilisation and cleaning of  metallic, dielectric
and polymeric materials

Research students

Ingita Banerjee

Professor Howard Wiseman

Towards scalable control of Quantum Systems
Khai Bordon

Professor Joan Vaccaro and

Dr Fatema Tanjia

Defining The Quantum Mechanical  Time Observable
Elliot Coupe

Dr Gerardo Paz Silva and

Professor Howard Wiseman

Scalable Control of Dissipative Quantum Circuits
Marwan Haddara

Associate Professor Eric Cavalcanti

Quantum foundations and modal logic
Michael Hencz

Associate Professor Erik Streed

Trapped ion quantum networking over optical fibre
Dominick Joch

Dr Sergei Slussarenko and

Professor Geoff Pryde

Knowing and not knowing: obtaining quantum information advantages with photons
Ardra Kooderi Suresh

Associate Professor Eric Cavalcanti

Mathematical framework for interventions and counterfactuals in quantum causal models
Rose Manakil

Associate Professor Erik Streed

Maxwell's Demon and Memory Powered Engines
Liam McClelland

Associate Professor Erik Streed

Memory Powered Heat Engines
Lucas Ostrowski

Professor Howard Wiseman

Quantum limits to lasers

Jason Pearl

Associate Professor Eric Cavalcanti

Contextuality and causal mediation in classical and quantum causal models
Sukhjit SinghDr Nora Tischler and
Dr Sergei Slussarenko
Heralded photonic quantum states for quantum information technologies
Ori Somech

Professor Howard Wiseman

Quantum limits to lasers

Kaiah Steven

Dr Gerardo Paz Silva and

Professor Howard Wiseman

Towards holistic and scalable quantum control - with perspectives in machine learning
Nandana Thuranalloor RaveendranathDr Sergei Slussarenko and

 Dr Nora Tischler
Quantum nonlocality and its applications to quantum information technology
Luis Villegas Aguilar

Dr Sergei Slussarenko and

Professor Geoff Pryde

Quantum networking with ultrahigh-performance entangled photon sources
Nattaphong Wonglakhon

Professor Howard Wiseman

Higher-order quantum estimation and control

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