1 - 10 of 445 search results for ethics toolkit where 1 match all words and 444 match some words.

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Contact the Office for Research if you need to amend your ethics. ... Self-management skills. Thinkwell PhD planning toolkit: A series of templates including planning tools, meeting agenda/notes templates and a writing audit.

Search results that match 1 of 2 words

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Research grants. Human and animal ethics. Research integrity. Research education and development. ... Ethics, integrity and compliance. Ensure your research meets our stringent ethical standards and find out more about biosafety and research integrity.
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The. HDR. Convenor also advises students and supervisors on all matters relating to candidature including resources, ethics and progression.
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research grants. ethics and integrity. research development, data and reporting.
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From 2004 to 2014, it was headquartered at the ARC Key Centre for Ethics, Law, Justice, and Governance. ... In addition to our research projects, we provide training and advice on integrity, governance, climate change, ethics, and more.
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Animal welfare advocate. Professor Andrew Knight. Doctor of Philosophy. Passionate advocate for animal welfare and ethics.
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Our core principles. Griffith University will pursue our vision and mission through our core principles of excellence, ethics and engagement.
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Understand data management practices and data related resources and services, including data storage, ethics and copyright, available to Griffith researchers.
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A values-led organisation, our core principles comprise excellence, ethics and engagement.

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