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Brittany Holzworth. Photographic Art Practice and Creative Advertising majors. I wanted to ask a question: what counts as a self-portrait?

School: Student Business Services
Faculty: Student Life
Telephone: 07 3735 5908
Griffith location: Queensland Conservatorium (S01) 2.37, Southbank campus
Email address: B.Cave@griffith.edu.au

School: School of Health Sciences and Social Work
Faculty: Health
Telephone: (07) 373 54020
Griffith location: Environment 1 (N55) 2.40, Nathan campus
Email address: b.grantham@griffith.edu.au
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Dr Ido Bar (theme leader). Dr Fawad Ali. Dr Brittany Elliott. ... Associate Professor Sama Low Choy. Dr Ian Cock. Dr Brittany Elliott.
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Masters and Honours Students. Alexandra Bubniak. Jamie Campbell. Aidan Hughes. Brittany Sawyer.
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Many staff in the School of Education and Professional Studies are recognised nationally and internationally as leaders in their fields with a range of teaching awards and research grants reflecting their strengths.
Meet Griffith University Bachelor of Forensic Science /Bachelor of Criminology and Criminal Justice graduate Brittany Sawyer. ... After watching and reading countless crime shows and novels at a young age, Brittany developed a keen interest in forensic
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The QCA Showcase features the work of graduating Queensland College of Art (QCA) students from fine art, photography and design. These exhibitions are generally hosted at QCA towards the end of the academic year.
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Dr. Tasha Riley,. Dr. Troy Meston, Julie Ballangary,. A/Prof. Sama Low-Choy, Brittany McCormack,.
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Sacrifices WILL be made. Production credits. Director: Brittany Salmon. Producer: Taylah Moore. ... Writer: Brittany Salmon. 1st AD: Michael Upton. Production Manager: Lauren Hogg.

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